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Everything posted by UnitedWeAreStronger

  1. Current in game name: Jake Location: Denmark Age: 19 How long have you played DayZ: For about 2 months now Preferred voicechat software(s): I would prefer using skype, since that's what I usually use, but I don't mind adapting to whatever the group wants to use. Preferred Position/Role: Looter/Recon/Support and I can also act as bait or luring zombies away from sites if it's needed, to be honest, I'm pretty versatile. Reason for wanting to join this group: Me and a friend have been playing this game together since we began playing DayZ, and have been looking for something more organized with more people, and as you can imagine, that's tough to find. So when we noticed this post we quickly agreed that we should try it out. Can you bring anything unique to this group: Well as I said before I'm pretty versatile, and I'm willing to play almost any role needed, except for sniping, I'm not very good at sniping. But besides that I like to think that I'm a pretty good shot. Other than that I'm a friendly guy and quite the teamplayer. Weaknesses: Well obviously the time difference could be a problem, but I'm sure that's a problem we'll be able to overcome. Other than that, well, as I said earlier my sniping isn't very good. Other: Uhmm... Can't really think of anything as of right now beside just wanting to have fun and playing together as a team! [EDIT] Probably a good idea to say that my timezone is +1. PM me if you need further contact info or other information. Hoping for an approval and some fun playing Dayz with you guys! :-)