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Posts posted by forumsposter

  1. Same thing happened to me, is there a way to fix this? I pressed respawn to try to spawn closer to my friends and came back as a boy. Posted this in another thread but this seems to be the one getting the most attention.

    Date/Time: 5/27/2012 2200'ish utc

    What happened: Respawned as male despite previously being female

    Where you were: On the coast

    What you were doing: Pressed respawn

    *Current installed version:

    *Server(s) you were on: dallas 4 maybe

    *Your system specs:

    I7 920 @ 2.66

    ATI 5870

    8gb ram


    *Timeline of events before/after error: Was female, pressed respawn, became a boy :(

  2. Same thing happened to me, is there a way to fix this? I pressed respawn to try to spawn closer to my friends and came back as a boy.

    Date/Time: 5/27/2012 2200'ish utc

    What happened: Respawned as male despite previously being female

    Where you were: On the coast

    What you were doing: Pressed respawn

    *Current installed version:

    *Server(s) you were on: dallas 4 maybe

    *Your system specs:

    I7 920 @ 2.66

    ATI 5870

    8gb ram

    *Timeline of events before/after error: Was female, pressed respawn, became a boy :(
