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About Paps

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    On the Coast
  1. Real Name: Josh Skype Name: Joshua R Spencer In Game Name: Paps Role (First Choice): Assaulter - I am very good with close to mid range combat rifles and win almost all the fire fights I have ended up in. Role (Second Choice): Medic - I am quick at rescuing friends while in combat and can also assist in the fire fight once I have saved another player. Play style: I live for fire fights but I also don't mind patching someone up. On the servers I play on I am a bandit on half of them and the other half I am a hero. I am also very skilled with flying helicopters. Are you geared on any servers?: On the servers I play on I have a ton of gear stock piled. Age: 18 Why you want to join SOAM: Django and I are cousins and we are looking to join a group together. How long have you been playing: A little over 3 months. Describe yourself: I am laid back and I play video games just for the PvP aspect. What time zone are you in?: West Coast