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About Otium

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Skype

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  1. Seems pretty cool, might bring my group and friends after I test it out.
  2. hey guys, add me on skype if you want to play some days tonight.. skype:johnvogel123
  3. After posting an application please add me on Skype! When you're contact request is accepted I will tell you if you are accepted. Add me on Skype: johnrobb123
  4. Otium

    Roles/Classes List

    Not too many role suggestions.
  5. Please add me on skype when you finish your app.
  6. Otium

    Look to join a group/clan

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/117962-soam-survivors-of-apocalypse-militia-bandits/ -Introduction- (PLEASE READ) Hello my name is John and I have been playing DayZ for a while now. I play with a few friends usually but have to decided to make a larger group! We only have a few requirements for joining and you can fulfill the requirements easily if you do not already meet them. We play on a few different Private Hives and also official servers. We are pretty well geared and would like to share with other people. You can talk to me on skype if you have any questions: Johnrobb123 REQUIREMENTS: 1. Be mature and don't cry. (No complaining) 2. Have skype/teamspeak (Skype is required but TS is optional) 3. Know basic game mechanics (sickness, looting, general directions, food/water etc) 4. Be trustworthy (Don't joke around about shooting teammates and other obnoxious things) 5. Follow directions! (Do anything an officer says!) 6. No age/race/gender/religion restriction. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! After you meet these requirements you may choose a role. Roles enforce organization and discipline. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSAULTER - Carries heavy weaponry such as M16s or LMGs. This player leads the team in combat and must have above average PVP skills. NUTCASE - Runs around Cherno/Elektro with an axe at night throwing flares at Noobs. MEDIC - A medic carries most of the medical supplies, food, and drinks. They will stay a bit behind the team with an average weapon such as an M1014 or AK. SCOUT - A scout is a lightly armed player who is the first to move in on a looting run. They will inform the squad of valuable gear, zombies, and players. This is a hard position because you could be the first to die but you will be greatly respected. ENGINEER - This player is the medic of vehicles. They are in charge of carrying things such as Jerry Cans, Wheels, Rotor assemblies etc. They will carry average weaponry but will have the largest backpacks. SPOTTER - This player will carry heavy weaponry and will guard and spot for the sniper. They will stay back with the sniper spotting zombies/players for the squad. They will also be the first to receive a map, binoculars, and a rangefinder. This position is also a navigator for the team. SNIPER - This is a pretty obvious role... This player will be the first to receive camouflage clothing and any rifles. This player will carry advanced weaponry such as M14s, DMRs, and M107. You must have precise aim and have no lag. The sniper will stay back with the spotter eliminating threats. MECHANIC - This player is the second to receive maps and other navigational devices. This player is different from the Engineer as Mechanics search for vehicles. Mechanics will split from the group along with a good pvper to search for vehicles. He will then mark them on the map for the team to come to. While the mechanic is searching for vehicles engineers will gather parts for the vehicles they are suspecting to find. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW ROLES BEING ADDED SOON Now for the application layout. It should look like this: Real Name: Skype Name: In-Game Name: Role (First Choice) and why you think the role is appropriate for you: Role (Second Choice) and why you think the role is appropriate for you: Playstyle: Are you geared on any servers?: Age: Why you want to join SOAM: How long have you been playing: Describe yourself: What timezone are you in?: Please copy paste that and reply to this topic. After that is complete add me on Skype: johnrobb123 KILL4BEANZ!
  7. Otium

    respawn button

    If you actually "want" to respawn now days you have to do one of two things. Kill yourself somehow (zombies, explosives etc.) or by breaking your legs! By jumping off medium hight buildings you can break your legs. For some reason when your legs are broken the respawn button becomes available.
  8. New roll available, Mechanic! Read above.