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Everything posted by justwrath

  1. justwrath

    Bored now

    you're like the crazy girl who breaks up with the guy who hadn't been informed he had a girlfriend in the first place. this mod isn't about your happiness and an announcement that you will no longer be participating means absolutely nothing to anyone here. EVeryone's a fucking diva these days. Have fun in casual land where everyone gets a participation ribbon. at no point while reading this post was I able to shake the image of a socially inept, basement dweller, who's only knowledge of the real world comes from 4chan and reedit. A guy who's still using 2010's hottest memes like his life depends on it. I want to make clear i have absolutely no problem with you killing other players. No sir, I simply see this kind of mental masturbation as a symptom of a much longer problem.
  2. justwrath

    Server Locking

    this. this. this.
  3. oh snap...though it isn't an issue really. its a can you deal with this game or not situation. There's a hotfix for this by the way. go to a different server. As far the fps, that's usually server related, too many things spawned. find good servers that reset often or aren't running on the bare minimum and you should be good.
  4. justwrath

    Well i just had my shortest life ever.

    this.. I've been killed right after spawning as well, but having gotten used to the new "rules" i've done quite well, and even managed to survive the recent broken food/liquid loot spawning system with the hotfix.
  5. ya, i'd completely ignore a real issue and choose to be a d-bag too. the ladies love it.
  6. justwrath

    Hey Rocket!! Wanna make some $$$?

    tldr version: I want to pay 10 bucks to make the game easier. Guns aren't hard to find' date=' and the thrill of having to be that much more careful until you get one has added an extra degree of difficulty i welcome. [hr'] tldr version: I want to pay 10 bucks to make the game easier. Guns aren't hard to find, and the thrill of having to be that much more careful until you get one has added an extra degree of difficulty i welcome.
  7. justwrath

    Noticeably lower FPS on 1.6.0

    what it was was a direct cause and effect solution. a fluke would be me putting an egg in my pci slot and having it work.
  8. justwrath

    Noticeably lower FPS on 1.6.0

    I took my rig out of SLI (560ti) and am now running 70 to 80 fps after experiencing anything from 5 to 12 frames before. (I have everything on high, AA off, post processing off)
  9. justwrath

    Noticeably lower FPS on 1.6.0

    i'm at about 10 fps, running 560 ti's in sli, cpu i7 2600k oc'd to 4.5 gHz. was playing pre-patch last night getting 60 to 70 fps.
  10. justwrath

    fps problems..again?

    I really love when people act incredulous about problems with an alpha build of a game. problems should be brought up, but tone can go a long way, and understanding should definitely be applied.