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About jayman9696

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Interests
    Surviving by any means possible
  1. jayman9696

    Weather effects which

    1. Tornadoes wouldn't occur in chernaurus. 2.floods are not possible from a client and server standpoint. 3. Why not just snow?
  2. jayman9696

    Model 1887 with flip-cock animations.

    I dont know about you but i only want the jacket
  3. jayman9696

    Players should develop Mental illness

    TO EVERYONE All of your argumentS are invalid as you have never gone to war or had to shoot someone. Quit pretending to be an expert because you can google and play video games.
  4. jayman9696

    Players should develop Mental illness

    I think that when you become a bandit your peripheral dots either disappear or start doing funky things....not that they don't already:)
  5. I like the idea of having the tunnel go through hills
  6. jayman9696

    Ammo clips

    Weapons don't use clips they use mags
  7. jayman9696

    Amateur Radio?

    I would recommend having the radios cover the entire map because if they don't they will just be a hassle and most people will continue to use Skype
  8. jayman9696

    Knifing freshies

    In cod when you knife someone you jump/teleport to them if you are far away
  9. jayman9696

    Biome Suggestion

    No, this would be too artificial to just walk into a snowy place then three steps away is sunny
  10. Try shooting into the air to declare your friendly intentions
  11. Try reinstalling. If your have steam you have to play arma 2 and OA once to link it to dayz. Also go to install/update in the tip right of commander and make sure dayz is installed
  12. jayman9696

    Light Armored Tank

    The rocket launchers already suck. You practically need a direct hit.
  13. jayman9696

    Voice Chat

    As cool as it would be to have radios to speak with your friends I and everyone who plays with friends will most likely stick to skype or team speak.
  14. jayman9696

    Light Armored Tank

    Its anti material as in killing jeeps, humvees, and helicoptors. Tank armor its way to strong
  15. jayman9696

    Zombie migration, no respawn inside map

    The only Problem is that this would be very resource demanding and cause a lot of lag on servers