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About greengoals

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  1. greengoals

    My steam key is in use

    Hi. I bought a steam account a while ago from a person online. It now says my serial key is in use or not active or whatever. ( i cant play online ) This happens only when I play DayZ. ill buy the game again but I dont want to download it again. Is this possible?
  2. Im basically looking for anyone that was a sniper rifle with a lot of ammo for it. Let me know what you have and we can start talking from there. Thank you.
  3. Im looking for a team. Im new to the game. Im a team player. Im a soccer player so I know abuot team work. Let me know. Thank you in advance.
  4. Which game do I have to buy from steam to be able to play dayz. Just arma II or do I need to buy something else also. Thank you.