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About eclipse0414

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  1. eclipse0414

    Bible - Spread the word, heed our Lord -What?

    I'm gonna grab my bible, paper, and pen and will begin to write the book of Eli (plot twist... I'm blind)
  2. eclipse0414

    Animals you want to see

    Sasquatch of the NWAF and a Kraken in Rifty (bears oh my!)
  3. eclipse0414

    Single shot/burst/full auto keybinding?

    I don't believe it is implemented as of yet but comparing it to all the other games by Bohemia it seems very likely it will be added.
  4. eclipse0414

    Double Barrel Shotgun- WANT!

    Why not sawed off double barrel?
  5. eclipse0414

    Clothing Condition Suggestion

    As of right now, even though there are some negative effects to having damaged clothing they tend to be superficial or unnoticable and by no means stop people from being concerned about your clothing's condition. In order to make it worthwile to find "prestine" items, as an item's condition depletes, so does it's storage capacity. Also, it should make fewer rags when it is torn. Realistically you can't fit as many things effectively in a messed up pack and having this penalty might make it a little more important. Also, at this stage in the alpher with not much endgame, the search for all prestine items can make restore the thrill of looting. What do you think?
  6. eclipse0414

    Should combat logging be ban-able?

    You should be able to log out whenever you want instantly but your character should stay in whatever stance you put them in for an equal time to the combat log timer (15 sec, 30 sec, etc) and your character can still be killed and looted. Just because even when I know I'm in a safe place I still have to wait 30 seconds which can be a pain.
  7. eclipse0414

    Feature to really help combat logging.

    The opposite seems more logical to me
  8. eclipse0414

    Schools are worth...

    I see what you did
  9. eclipse0414

    Lack of loot

    Idk man, so far I've had better luck with friendly people in these days.
  10. eclipse0414

    Barracks in Balota

    Having the barracks there is fine but I think they should do some fine tuning/tweaking to just those specific barracks.
  11. eclipse0414

    What if? (player zombies)

    Whenever I became a zed in Epoch I'd beg to be killed since suicide was not an option apparently. Good idea but it has been suggested before and has always received the same response.
  12. eclipse0414

    Lack of loot

    Such north. Much loot. So wow
  13. eclipse0414

    Player classes...or professions

    I think it would be more interesting having the zombies with the (former) professions and having loot that corresponds to them. Including soldiers, teachers, doctors, etc.
  14. The neighbors... all they'll hear is "STOP SHOOTING ME" "MY LEGS ARE BROKEN, HELP" "GET BACK HERE, YOURE DEAD" and like a magic trick, the police/EMS are right at your door :D
  15. eclipse0414

    Where is Utes island?

    Utes will be amazing when it comes! I had good memories of Utes when my old crappy computer couldn't handle Chernarus ^_^