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What's new in Cherno?

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About What's new in Cherno?

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    On the Coast
  1. What's new in Cherno?

    Most of the suggestions for reducing KoS

    It's probably already been said.. but.. Killing on sight isn't necessarily the same as someone who is trigger happy. Killing on sight is when you get a player who only want to kill players just for the sake of killing players. It doesn't matter if they're a bandit or survivor, it doesn't matter if they have loot or they don't have loot, and it doesn't even matter if they're a threat or not. It's all about killing them as if there's an imaginary scoreboard that tracks your character's kill/death ratio on the server. A perfect example of this type of player(s): they sit atop the tall buildings in Cherno and pick off any players until they run out of ammo and/or are killed themselves. As for curbing the problem with trigger happy players? I just don't think you can without making the environment absolutely brutal. For instance, making zombies such a threat that you wouldn't dare discharge your weapon in cities. Like having them out run the players, being in overwhelming numbers, doing insane damage, adaptive to their environment (climbing ladders, going through back entrances, etc). I don't think a humanity system will ever work, though. Simply because if people were worried about repercussions of their actions then the humanity system would be working now. That is unless you want to force gamey arcade features like character traits or whatever. In the end people are player-killing because surviving is a breeze and banditry/killing on site is the only rewarding challenge.
  2. What's new in Cherno?

    what happen to heroes?

    The humanity system is completely borked. If a survivor shoots at you and you managed to successfully defend yourself (i.e. kill them), then that kill is labeled as a 'murder'. Yeah, there are some variables that make it so it's a bandit kill, but I think that is only if they hit you.. which.. yeah. It's a double edged sword, though. If you make it so it's easier to gain humanity, then you made it easier to be abused. That's how it was before. In all honestly though, you aren't going to find any heroes/survivors regardless of a working humanity system. The reason for that is simply this: people got bored of playing a survival based game with human interactions. Please don't take that as an insult to anyone's playstyle.. it's just that there's no reward/incentive for that playstyle and you're almost always get burned by bandits feigning wounded survivor.
  3. What's new in Cherno?

    DayZ 1.7.8 "Choose Spawn", Thoughts?

    Personally, I don't like it. I always hear the argument that "well, people are just going to kill themselves anyway.." That's true. However, by adding this feature you're not just giving those people the option, but everyone else as well. So instead of just a handful of players spawning where they want, now the entire server can spawn where they want. DayZ already has a bad case of people playing it as a deathmatch shooter.. this, I feel, is only going to make it worse by encouraging people to pick the best spawn so they can get right back into the fight. I'd imagine there are better ways of addressing the issue. Like, for example, when you spawn you're locked to that region for 30 minutes or so and can't spawn at a new region unless you're murdered. Which, admittedly, this is probably a bad idea.. but if there's no way of addressing the issue then I'd rather just deal with it then making the game "easier" for everyone.
  4. What's new in Cherno?

    DayZ Mod Update

    I'm happy to see that zombies now spawn even when you're inside your vehicle - however, there's still the problem of loot not spawning when you drive up to it. Do you think it would be possible to have that feature in the near future?
  5. What's new in Cherno?

    DayZ SA: One Key One Character

    I wouldn't like to see this implemented. What if I want to play as a filthy bandit on the server I regularly play at? Well, with a permanent username I wouldn't be able to convince players into letting me join them because my name will be blacklisted. That may be a scumbag thing to do but it's what makes this game great. It's the unknown that is created by player freedom. If I want to be Matt one day and Richard the next I think I should be able to. Or what if I want to play as a novelty character for a while? You know, like Dr. Wasteland or Cherno Journo?
  6. What's new in Cherno?

    Strange radio transmission

    If I recall correctly this is a recording from a number station airing at Green Mountain. Apparently if you have a radio in your inventory and you're in range during certain hours you'll hear this recording. Which it's supposed to be the locations of several deer stands in game. [edit] wow this is an old thread.
  7. What's new in Cherno?

    Interested in buying Arma II (and hence DayZ)

    The hacking in this game is absolutely ridiculous, yes. The problem with ArmA II is that they pretty much allow its users to easily script and modify the game. Why? Because ArmA II is more or less based on a system of trust which relies on its player base not to cheat. Which cheating in the vanilla ArmA games isn't much of a problem because they're for the most part a niche group of mostly mature, like-minded individuals. That's not the case for this mod. And for them to address the scripting would --apparently-- break every mod for the game. Though if you're going to play this game and be serious about it you need to play on a private server. No, it doesn't completely solve the problem - but it does a good enough job. This is because they're whitelisted and most hackers aren't going to want to go through the hassle of signing up just to be banned shortly after. Of course that's only the noticeable cheaters who script in stuff. A hive is a database that you and other people connect and save your characters to. Which there are two kinds: the main hive and the private hives. The main hive is the official DayZ database. Playing on a server that's connected to the main hive means that you can hop from server to server and still have your character progression. Private hives are just that - private. These are ran by the server owners themselves and aren't connected to any server(s) other than their own. To find private hives you can use DayZ Commander and then uncheck the "hide unofficial." However I'd recommend checking the forums/Reddit for a good server (that way you can read people's opinions).
  8. I can't help but think player infrastructures in DayZ would be rather pointless. I mean it'll be about as useful as base building in Ace of Spades. Your base is going to stick out like a sore thumb. Not to mention the engine quirks where trees "disappear" the farther you get. They're going to be completely defenseless because no one is going to "hang out" there. And let's say there are - well, what happens when you disconnect? Booby traps? Oh, it will kill me. But I'm just going to respawn and run back because I know exactly where it's at. If it's barricaded people will just server hop and gain access that way. I mean I see the usefulness with tents and tarps or camo netting to hide some gear and vehicles. But underground tunnels and bases with buildings like hospitals? I don't know for me it kind of defeats the purpose of the game. Which this would be a different story if this were a sandbox MMORPG like Wurm Online. Though in the end this is just my opinion.