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About nick0891

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. nick0891


    i have run both games before trying to get dayz and i do have the beta. i mean download DAYZ manually.
  2. nick0891


    i got arma 2 combined ops off of amazon and i tried to get it dayz off of dayz commander and i updated it but it wont work. now im trying to download it manually but i dont know what files to download so can someone tell me the exact files i need to download off of dayzmod.com.
  3. nick0891


    i meant arma 2 off of amazon not dayz
  4. i just need help downloading dayz i got it off of amazon and i need some to show me how to download dayz MANUALLY with the files off of dayzmod.com please help
  5. ive done tht but i still need to delete files thats what it says when i try to join a server
  6. i have arma CO from amazon and i got dayz commander and updated it and arma 2 now however it says i must delete a lot of files and i don't know why. so if anybody has any idea of how to fix this problem or can tell me the correct way to download dayz both will be appreciated. please respond
  7. i too am having that problem where it says i must delete alot of files before playing . and yes dayz commander i currently unavailable for me. but i think that dayz commander would work better. i have gotten dayz and am now trying to get it again the only difference is i used with six but other than that i did everything exactly the same so im just gonna wait for the website and download commander