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About [email protected]

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    On the Coast

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  1. yeah this reminds me of the aircraft carrier in fallout 3, I imagine to build up my house in it, place some 50cal and trapwires and give helpless girls some shelter. In my eyes it shouldnt be too far away from the coast, maybe it just stranded at a good position in chernarus or directly in cherno harbor.
  2. What I wanted to say is, that you would never know on which server you spawn when creating a new character after death. (except you use the mentioned buddylist function, that gives you the chance to spawn on your buddy´s server) The reason why you always get a new server after respawn are the different scenarios the servers come with to provide 100% unpredictability. But, yep, still pretty unsure about this feature though... I agree with that. Sounds legit. edit: spelling
  3. as long as your character is alive all of your stats/equip will be saved and you will automatically rejoin the same server everytime you click quick join. if you die you will loose everything and gain the possibility respawn on a different "quick join" server.
  4. As I said, remember that empty "quickjoin"-servers won't be empty for a long time. As the server is near its maximum player capacity, a new one gets created and will be filled with new quickjoin players. Another additional idea might be that to make all characters locked to the server until they dies. So you can´t switch to another server without loosing all of your character´s status/gear. (excluding private/non-quickjoin Servers) This also prevents all sorts of server hopping. I think we should give this suggestion a chance. All in all it´s not a bad idea, it just needs a little bit more work out.
  5. alright, make a compromise, add a "minimum player count" filter so you can make sure not to join empty servers. but do remember, joining an empty servers doesnt mean that it will be empty for all time! ;) I really like the idea of the "DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING"...because, well, this is what dayz was made for.
  6. @Jars, the thrill is NOT to know if there are actually any other players on the server that I am currently playing on. For example imagine you approaching Stary Sobor (as we all know one of the hot spots) and you have no idea if there is any player around. Its completley random. So you never know what you can expect. How will you proceed? It brings all Dayz Players back to the time when we start playing this game, and hey, wasnt that one of the best time we ever experienced?
  7. completley agree with that ! servers with no indicated players numbers would be amazing ! could give the game new thrills !
  8. has been released ! when will we be able to use it on UK Zombie World Server ? There are alot of great changes and new content. regards kirb
  9. hej, - NAME: Kirby - LOCATION: Germany - ID: 9d3b7aae104f810d67d561f47a284095 so looking forward to have some fine clean games with you mates ! kirb