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Everything posted by kaotixkc

  1. KAOS DayZ Overpoch Chernarus Server All Custom Content Custom Traders | Custom Loot Spawns Custom Map Additions/Town Remodels fully loot compatible We are a small community of friendly players who have been playing DayZ since the beginning. We strive to keep the server as up to date as possible and have added a large number of mods to increase the player’s enjoyment while online. We are fully PvE and do not condone any PvP at all. There are regular active admins who are always willing to help. Our map additions are like no other, completely made by us, we have remodelled 50% of the towns on the map with staged areas which give the player a real insight into what happened after the infection spread. The old traders are left in ruins, new traders have been established at various new locations on the map. New players have the welcoming ability to visit the coastal trader that offers a few essential items for them to get on their feet. We are utilizing a large list of mods which include: Single Currency with vault storage for coins (no banks/atms) Plot Pole for Life with Plot Pole Management Overwatch Weapons in loot spawns (vehicles coming soon) Base building with snap build pro and vectors Custom View Distance and reduced world fog by default AI Missions System with multiple missions Roaming AI in specific towns Trader City Safe Zones Vehicle Lifting/Towing Our server is open to anyone who is looking for a friendly server, with a nice community and a group of people who are very knowledgeable and communicative.
  2. Bump, new map additions added. Come and check out our server to see for yourself!
  3. If you're interested we are still online and we now have 4 servers running. Namalsk is now our most popular map and most of our players are as friendly as ever. I'm also glad you enjoyed playing on our server even though this was a long time ago.