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Everything posted by PrinceOfJerusalem

  1. PrinceOfJerusalem

    Guy randomly stops.

    I had the same problem, fixed it by putting new batteries in my keyboard. :) And I use a little piece of paper for auto-walk.
  2. PrinceOfJerusalem


    I've got the PMC and the BAF dlc's and all of the requirements posted above. I would like to help out, just pm me or give me a call :P . I'm from Holland hope thats not a problem.
  3. PrinceOfJerusalem

    Word of Advice for New Players

    I do not agree with you on that part, unless if you mean dying from bugs is funny as hell. Most bugs in this game can really screw you over, from my personal experience.
  4. PrinceOfJerusalem


    I think he doesn't want you in the video. ;)
  5. PrinceOfJerusalem

    Not a new player, but returning

    Balota Buddies is a great private hive with a nice community build around it, check it out at http://www.balotabuddies.net
  6. PrinceOfJerusalem

    Dutch Dayz Squad Short Stories (VIDEOS)

    Maybe you should practice your aiming a little more, before harassing other survivors. ;)
  7. PrinceOfJerusalem

    trading with survivors: tips

    If you have a campsite, drop everything you have on you in a tent and just take with you what you want to trade. If you get killed you can just go back to your tent and collect your stuff. If you don't have a base camp, drop your pack/equipment somewhere in the bushes (remember where!) and go to the meeting point. Just make sure you can collect it again before a restart. That's my trade tactic. *edit* Never put a full backpack in your tent/vehicle, it will be empty after a restart.
  8. Oops sorry Mazon, Yes I've misread it, my apologies. I'll give you my beans for that. :P :beans:
  9. Wait.....So you're with a group of eight and you hunt bambi's? Sorry but I stopped reading there.....
  10. PrinceOfJerusalem

    2 kills, now a bandit

    If you don't shoot anymore players your humanity will slowly go back to 2500.
  11. PrinceOfJerusalem

    help disabled gamer

    I've tried that but it didn't work that well.
  12. So what are you waiting for!? :o
  13. PrinceOfJerusalem

    First ATV resulted in a train track meltdown

    Driving over bridges is kinda buggy in DayZ, I prefer to just use the ATV's off the road. Little safer but still deadly. :D
  14. PrinceOfJerusalem

    [Guide] Setting up an Xbox 360 Controller for DayZ

    This is perfect for people who play DayZ for the PVE experience. As long as you don't end up in a firefight. I've tried to use the wired X360 controller in its original configuration and it sucked balls for me. Then I tried to use it only for the driving/flying/boating parts, that wasn't so great either. So eventually I switched back to mouse and keyboard. I will definitely try your solution so I can sit on the couch now and then when I play Dayz. :lol: Nice one!
  15. PrinceOfJerusalem

    New player looking for a server

    Maybe I shouldn't say this but you guys might wanna check out http://www.balotabuddies.net It's a private whitelisted server with an ever growing community. Great fun! :thumbsup: Oh and you didn't hear this from me...... ;) @ Derpy
  16. PrinceOfJerusalem

    Balota Buddies. The place to be!

    Its just my name since a long time, the Maltese cross is because I'm very interested in freemasonry. You are very welcome, hope to see you in game some day soon! :thumbsup: Sorry Derpy, I wont put up anymore advertisements. Don't want to bury you with too much work! ;) Posts merged. -Inception.
  17. PrinceOfJerusalem

    Balota Buddies. The place to be!

    I don't think thats a dumb question but no, you'll have a different character on each of their servers.
  18. PrinceOfJerusalem

    Balota Buddies. The place to be!

    Geez Fraggle, your sig sure does look sexy.
  19. PrinceOfJerusalem

    Balota Buddies. The place to be!

    I usually sit in afk channel, so its not such a big problem for me :P I use Skype to talk to my bro.
  20. PrinceOfJerusalem

    Balota Buddies. The place to be!

    I can give you guys a hand if you want, like I said I have a lot of time on my hands atm. I'm not a computer wizz but still.
  21. PrinceOfJerusalem

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Couple more pics. -sigh- Drunk again.... Patrolling the woods, keeping Chernarus safe.....
  22. PrinceOfJerusalem

    Best places to pitch a tent/make a base?

    LOL that's exactly what I did. I have a camp on US46 for a month now and it has not been found yet. (knock on wood) http://www.balotabuddies.net
  23. PrinceOfJerusalem

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Just enjoying a nice sunset on US46. http://www.balotabuddies.net
  24. PrinceOfJerusalem

    Banned on multiple servers

    Hi, if you're looking for a nice server to play DayZ then apply to the BALOTA BUDDIES whitelisted servers. They have servers in US, UK and AUS. They run a couple of different maps and its a great community. Apply here http://www.balotabuddies.net and get whitelisted! Best community to play DayZ! :thumbsup:
  25. PrinceOfJerusalem

    First Kill

    I play on the BALOTA BUDDIES whitelisted servers. They have a couple of servers, on US46 I'm a hero and don't kill people but just try to help others as much as I can. But on UK46 I play as a stinkin' bandit and try to kill as much as I can, don't matter if you're shouting friendly! You're going down.... Join this great community at http://www.balotabuddies.net and bring your friends!