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Everything posted by ibob991

  1. ibob991

    Triple Kill @ NW

    If you didn't give two shits, why did you bother to post about it? For the record, the video was never posted for "skill", it was just funny they de-sync'd right before i was about to take the shots.
  2. ibob991

    Triple Kill @ NW

    care bear alert!!!!!
  3. ibob991

    Rocket Time?

    Is it just me that notices when rocket says somthing related to a time frame, its completely off. For example, currently on the thread about he posted a day ago @ 4:30am saying the topic would be locked for and i quote "1 hour". It's now almost 24 hrs after that. Another would be when he posted that the expected release of was on wednesday, when it was already thursday with nothing. I'm not looking to flame rocket, i just think it's hilarious every time he says " this will be ready XYZ" it's never even marginally close. Looking for anyone who has made a list like so: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Valve_Time
  4. ibob991

    Rocket Time?

    I never said anything about the newest patch, and gtfo with this care bear shit.
  5. ibob991

    Pending Update: Build

    So, It's now Thursday July 26........ how can this be released on tuesday? Did rocket invent time travel?
  6. Seriously, coke and pepsi with a extremely rare find of MD. We need more brands!!!!
  7. im having this problem on 94876
  8. ibob991

    To the admin of US 170

    and where was said tent?
  9. ibob991

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Where is the changelog? http://us2.dayz.nu/latest/DayZ_Changelog.txt Says jack shit for
  10. ibob991

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Stop Q.Q bout l85
  11. ibob991

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Did you miss the part where the patch thread was closed? Stop THREAD HIJACKING!
  12. ibob991

    Experimental test patch

    Is this patch rdy to be released yet?
  13. I was sniping at NW Airfield, killed a guy named KATUNA and it said somthing weird when i got the kill. As you can see in the video, the game calls it friendly fire when you kill him. About 10 min later i killed this man again after he shot my buddy trying to retrieving the items from his body. When i shot him a 2nd time he had a 50.cal and a coyote backpack. I didn't know you could run all the way to airfield and be fully equipped again in 10 min. The video only shows the first kill, as i forgot to record the second kill, but you can clearly see the friendly fire hack being used.
  14. ibob991

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    +1 It's to bad we wont see it any time soon since rocket is offline. best part of the tweet: Website will be down for a max of 5 hours..... posted 13 hrs ago
  15. ibob991

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    * [FIXED] Not full magazines disappear when you reconnect ( https://dev-heaven.net/issues/33998 ) nope
  16. ibob991

    L85A2 disabled? Reaaaly? DICE?

    This entire thread is filled with trolls. All you guys are doing is crying about a gun that you guys can't find for yourself. Stop crying and find yourself a crashed helo or stop being retards and play it smart when you go to a high teir loot place. I can't tell you how many times i'v seen a l85 on a chopper and just leave it. Bottom line, play smarter or don't play.
  17. ibob991

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

  18. Whole server just lost all of their gear to a hacker. Can the admin please check the logs on this?
  19. ibob991

    TX20 Inventory wipe hacker

    My toon was not morphed into priest, but all my inventory was gone. Happened to my other 2 buddies as well.
  20. ibob991

    TX20 Inventory wipe hacker

    wondering if we can get a rollback in the database to recover our stuff.
  21. ibob991

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    1.7.2 is ready to be released, just look at the dayz twitter. Won't see it until next week i bet!
  22. ibob991

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    this really does need a fix