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About indalcecio

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. indalcecio

    My wishlist/suggestions for SA

    This is a really minor suggestion so I didn't want to make a new topic for it, I hope you don't mind me adding a suggestion here. I think there should be some sort of medicinal plants/herbs. Maybe willow bark could substitute painkillers, and opium poppies (which should be pretty common in the area) could be a substitute for morphine (because morphine comes from opium poppies and is in them naturally)...of course for the standalone, I really hope broken legs/morphine don't work the same way.
  2. indalcecio

    Chernarus, the unasked questions

    Why does the littlebird use the cockpit as it's fuel tank?
  3. Many people have stated this more eloquently than I, and I've said this several times, but one of the thing I've always loved about DayZ is that "stats" are emergent. Technically speaking, the second you spawn, you're equal to someone who's been alive for a month. Equipment is another story but aside from that... Your "intelligence" stat is how much you KNOW about how to play the game, like knowing how to flank, walking with a hill on one side of you, not shooting right away but waiting to ambush someone, etc. Your "STR/DAM" stat is how good of a shot you are, how many of your shots actually hit someone. You can even learn how to talk to people if you want to be friendly, learn to not point your gun at them if you want to roll for "persuasion", and just generally how good you are at convincing people not to kill you in the 1.8 seconds it takes for them to decide....that is your "Charisma" stat. Also, obviously someone who has been collecting loot and learning the game for a month without dying is going to be at an advantage as opposed to someone who just started and is a fresh spawn. That's normal, but I think adding stats like this would have the effect of making even harder for fresh spawns who have to start over, and in a way that would be detrimental to the game in general IMO. Unless of course your "stats" persisted after death, and in DayZ I think that's simply out of the question for the sole reason that this IS DAYZ.
  4. indalcecio

    Standalone suggestion

    I may be in the minority, but I don't really see players looting their own body as a problem. The fact that if you just run straight back to your body you'll probably get killed at least a couple times is a disincentive enough IMO. Could just be me, but I actually like the scavenging/starting over part of the game, so when I get killed I rarely go back to my body unless I KNOW no one else is going to get to it and I had something I REALLY didn't want to lose.
  5. I should have waited as I found a server just after making this topic with like 20-something people on it (this was late at night too so pretty good, plus I prefer around 30-40 people on a server ideally). Maybe it's because I haven't done everything there is to do yet (still haven't found/repaired my own helicopter yet), but other mods for DayZ just seem further from what DayZ is supposed to be to me. I think the server I was playing on last night may have been 3480, I think I remember an "80" in there somewhere anyway. One thing I was very pleasantly surprised to see, was that my character from literally months ago was still saved. So that was pretty cool, still got all my survival stuff and my M14 and AK-74su
  6. Sorry if this is something obvious, I haven't been playing in a long time and when I come back, it seems like I can't find hardly any servers reasonably close to me running regular DayZ with a decent amount of people. Am I doing something wrong? Using SIX to find servers. Sorry if this is a really dumb question, it's been a while.
  7. It really doesn't have anything to do with losing my gear. It's the anticipation. My favorite part of the game is starting over and scrounging up enough to survive and gradually getting better and more stuff. It's just the anxiety behind that instant disappointment of being killed before you have a chance to fight back.
  8. indalcecio

    Dead Penalty, Animals, Phicopatism

    I think losing your stuff is quite enough of a penalty.
  9. One of the things I like about DayZ and respect about it, is that almost everything in the game is emergent gameplay: You don't have an "INT" stat, you just learn how to do things better. You don't have an "ATK" stat, you just get better at aiming. Get what I'm saying? I play DayZ because there's no "magic" like that. Of course there ARE some exceptions, like the hero/bandit skin and the hero armor/sprint. So I'm not totally against the idea of some sort of award, it just has to be subtle IMO. Maybe the longer you live or the more you travel, the more you can run before you get tired. Maybe living a certain amount of time without murders can affect your appearance somehow, so while it won't necessarily protect you, some people might see that you don't make a habit of murdering people and think twice about shooting you. edit: to elaborate a little bit. I would like there to be less killing on sight. But I don't want to punish people who KOS, that's just...tacky. And bandits aren't going to stop being bandits. BUT there are players who genuinely WANT to not KOS, but let's face it that puts you at a handicap, if you don't KOS you get killed, which causes people to KOS which makes it more dangerous to not KOS. So I think we should just give THOSE players the tools they need to not have to KOS. Some sort of karma system, so that when you look at someone, you can tell whether or not they're likely to kill you on sight. Step 1. Increase accuracy of "murder" and "self-defense" detection. You shouldn't be blamed for a murder just because the other guy was a bad shot. Step 2. a better "karma" system. Just because you don't go out of your way to give blood bags to people, doesn't mean you're going to shoot on sight. Maybe the longer you go without any murders, the more "trust" you gain and it's expressed in your character model somehow. New spawns are going to be an unknown quantity, that's just the way it is. Of course there's going to be bandits who abstain from murdering just to gain Trust. I don't see that as a flaw, if you're going to be a bandit, craftiness should be encouraged, not seen as an "exploit". Besides, they'll still only get one or two murders before it affects their Trust level. So let's say you're a "lawful neutral" character, derping along in the woods, and you see someone just as they see you. Far enough away that it's not instant death for either. You happen to see that he has a very high Trust level. It's always a risk, but you know that he's not likely to KoS, so you don't have to shoot him. If he's neutral, it'd be like it is now, BUT you know that if you shoot first, you'll lose Trust, which will make things more dangerous for you in other encounters. Sort of like it is now with the Hero/Bandit system, just more accurate. Actually, a LOT like it is now, now that I think about it. IMO, this would encourage not killing on sight for those who already don't want to KoS, without punishing players who do, and not directly rewarding or punishing anyone e.g. stat boosts or anything like that.
  10. Tiny bit of background: I estimate I'm in the 30th percentile of DayZ players: I'm not that great, but I've got enough experience that I've gotten a chance to play with just about everything the game has to offer, and if I run into someone, it's clear we aren't going to be friends, and neither of us gets the drop on the other, I win just a little bit over 50% of the time. (In fact, half the time I win 100% of the time!) Anyways, I haven't played in a while due to life getting in the way, but since I've started playing again, after I get geared up decently and live for a while, then get killed....on the next life, I get so nervous and paranoid that I ALMOST can't bring myself to step into anywhere but the remote wilderness. Normally this is WHY I play DayZ, but sometimes it's just TOO intense, and I get unpleasantly anxious. Basically I step away and take a break for a while or just put it up for the night, or if it's the weekend maybe have a couple drinks. I'm not complaining about anything (except maybe my occasional lack of a backbone), I'm just curious: does anyone else get like this sometimes? It's amazing that a video game can make my heart beat this fast. Sometimes I think I'd be less nervous about dying in a real zombie apocalypse: at least then I wouldn't have to jog halfway across the island afterwards lol.
  11. indalcecio

    An accelerated Day/Night cycle

    As with many things I think simply having it be an option for the server would be an adequate solution. Personally I like playing day and night, depending on my mood. I actually prefer the night to be pitch black, too. My reasoning for that is that otherwise people can just turn up the gamma and brightness and turn it into a slightly dim black and white day...which means if I DON'T do that, I'm at a disadvantage. Playing on a pitch black server that doesn't have many or any hackers (can be hard to find but there are some that are really diligent with banning hackers), it actually seems a bit safer, since NVGs are fairly rare without people duping them. Which actually brings up another slightly off-topic point I like to make: whatever feature, item or setting makes the game "harder", that also makes it harder for other people, too, which can sometimes work to your advantage. EDIT: One more thing...if you want to go with realism, I'm not sure what the default ratio is now in-game, but in real life, depending on geographical location and time of year, generally speaking actual night time when the sun is totally down, is usually shorter than the day, and even when it's 50/50 (or 12/12), shortly before and shortly after the sun comes up, it's far from totally dark. Oh, and I wish gamma and brightness were server defined, too.
  12. indalcecio

    Morphine Addiction/Overdosing

    Exactly, but IMO eating and drinking isn't just a realism thing, it also adds to the survival gameplay. I still think the eating/drinking should be a bit more realistic (meaning starving would be more like a "debuff" than something you die from).
  13. indalcecio

    Morphine Addiction/Overdosing

    Addiction is a much bigger topic and this isn't really the place to discuss it, but nobody gets dependent on morphine the first time they use it. In fact realistically, it usually takes a month or two of everyday use for the body to get dependent on it. Surely there are people whose body chemistry makes them more susceptible, but if you really want realism, you would need at LEAST 10 morphine auto-injectors to become tolerant and start needing more. Psychological addiction can develop faster than that but that's a mental thing, same as sex addiction or whatever else, but that's an entirely different issue and just doesn't really have anything to do with the game. If you're going to add something to the game solely for the sake of realism, it would kind of defeat the purpose to "truncate" it and make it not ACTUALLY realistic.
  14. indalcecio

    Help enriching the swamp experience!

    Make it like Metal Gear Solid 3, but more hardcore. Leeches drain your blood slowly and you can just pick them off and lose a little extra blood or burn them off with matches or a cigar (lol) or something. I dunno though. There are so many things that you could add, that would be good ideas if you REALLY thought them out and implemented them well, but you have to ask if it's worth the time and effort they could have used to add something else. Still, I've always loved swamps, especially in MGS3, and I'm definitely looking forward to it in-game.
  15. indalcecio

    Is Cherno based on Chernobyl?

    Wow they really captured that place absolutely perfectly in-game. All my god damn beans to the person who posted those.