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Zob (DayZ)

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About Zob (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Zob (DayZ)

    Knifing freshies

    I would love to see melee options in the SA - like you can sneak up behind a sniper and knife them in the face kind of thing - have a one hit kill % chance of 50% and watch the freshie zerg rush.
  2. Zob (DayZ)

    Backpack Spawn Issues

    Hey guys, I wanted to ask the forums, after a number of mentions of this issue within my crew, if any of you had noticed that the only backpacks that are spawning in the designated areas are coyote packs and NOTHING else. like not even alice packs?? Has there been modification to the loot table making backpacks extremely rare? I didn't see anything about it in the change logs and yet it is very much the case. Hope to hear what you guys think. NOTE: BB_AU whitelisted is my main server but it has happened on others.
  3. Zob (DayZ)

    DayZ Suggestion (Distracting Zeds with Bloodbags)

    made me lol, DO IT YOU GOD DAMN MODDER'S, YOU'VE FUCKED UP EVERYTHING I HELD DEAR, MAKE MY GAMING EXPERIENCE ENJOYABLE AGAIN OR YOU WILL NEVER SEE A CENT OF MY MONEY. WAAAHAHAHAHAAHA - you lose, the hardcore fanboys only make up a small part of this community and won't be able to support the stand alone, alone - if you scare away the average joe's, you scare away the majority of your money - money that you need to make this work. GET RID OF THE GOD DAMN M107 ESP MOTHERFUCKERS
  4. Zob (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod Update

    Anyone else noticed the auto aim/ESP for the M107? I'm sure all the owners of said gun won't be complaining but jesus H christ wtf is that bs, srsly.
  5. use a permanent marker on your screen
  6. Zob (DayZ)

    Really?? You have no idea how pissed I am

    next update isn't coming supposedly. Just in case it does, EVERYONE needs to become hero's ASAP
  7. Thanks for this quick refresher. Will be used shortly.
  8. Zob (DayZ)

    Day Z Videos

    Balota Buddies AU whitelisted server was aching for a pounding so I though I'd bring it. Hope your enjoy. http://youtu.be/cF40ecf-oGA