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About SoSickMinded

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    West Virgina
  1. SoSickMinded

    Is it worth starting now?

    Lol... I think I'll just wait for the stand alone if that's the case... I don't feel like dealing with hackers every time I play a game... unless white listed servers are easier to access than Minecraft ones are...those are annoying.
  2. SoSickMinded

    Is it worth starting now?

    I've heard some people talk about it like it should be out any day and others saying it won't be out until fall. Have they honestly not given any hint at all?
  3. With the standalone coming sometime this year and all the updates they're going to have compared to the mod, is it worth buying Arma 2 and going through the annoying process of installing the mod or should new players just wait out the dayz standalone?