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Everything posted by Krobar

  1. Edited for poor information
  2. Krobar

    High res texture difference

    The L85 variants do have better textures.
  3. Krobar

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Input (7x Sheet metal + Axle + 2x Car Wheel) Output (Attachable Trailer) Tools (Welding Torch/Toolbox) Failchance .25 Enchantment = Builds a trailer for carrying gear or a couple people that is attachable to a truck with a ball hitch attached. ActionType = Blueprint
  4. Krobar

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Input (Ball hitch + nut) Output (Attachable Ball Hitch Tools (Wrench/Toolbox) FailChance 0 Enchantment = Attach to pickup truck variants to allow hitching trailers. Action Type = Blueprint
  5. Krobar

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Input (Heavy Chain + Heavy Nylon Strap x2 + Lock/Fastener + Nut) Output (Tow Chain) Tools (Wrench/Toolbox) FailChance .2 Enchantment = Tow vehicles to larger vehicles with proper scaling ActionType = blueprint
  6. Krobar

    Looking For People To Play With!!!!

    13s small, try 30-300
  7. June 27, July 10.... 6/27/13... 7/10/13 OR 27/6/13 and 10/7/13 hmm... 6/27/13 + 7/10/13 = 13/37/13 / how many cans of beans were in the first video * the number of release dates already given - the diameter of Dean's head + the circumference of a can of mountain dew, averaged with the number of zeds alive on servers right now and divided by how much I just spent at taco bell we get.... 7/23/2013
  8. Could use local Czech brands.
  9. Krobar

    dayz female skin

    At the moment DayZ only uses what is available from Arma for skins. Here's whats available: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Infantry and http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2_OA:_Infantry
  10. Drove a party bus. Full of recruits. Music was great though.
  11. Krobar

    Camping Tent Padlock + Key

    Even if you had a lockbox or safe you could load it in a truck...
  12. Krobar

    Add moar Rivers.

    Chernarus is actually based on an area in the Czech Republic where the Green Sea is actually a river. The Armies of the Czech Republic map is a more accurate depiction. http://i.imgur.com/Sa8Mf.png (Note that this is not the full map just a bad picture)
  13. The Winchester is a rifle.
  14. Krobar

    good video card for dayz?

    Arma2 doesnt use more than 2GB of vram so something with that and a high clock speed is good i suppose, but you also have to consider processor strength and whatnot
  15. Krobar

    Outhouses of Chernarus

    Hid in the one on skalisty until the guys who stole our chopper landed it and I took it back.
  16. Krobar

    Remove Teamspeak.

    I believe you can block ts with punkbuster and I say go ahead if you can put a REALISTIC radio system in DayZ.
  17. Krobar


    DLC, never say DLC. Say content patch.
  18. Krobar

    Guess The Location ! (Chernarus)

    North of the NE airfield.
  19. Krobar

    I just saw this on Imgur

    Thats very incorrect. This is more correct: http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/18/17539/QomProvince.png
  20. Krobar

    So the Makarov....

    Makarov does 899 points of damage per shot.
  21. Krobar

    Scariest moments in DayZ?

    Original Zombie Sounds.
  22. Krobar

    What now? Suggestions...

    CQF members thought about this many a time, it came down to us just going out to hunt bandits and the occasional hand-out of gear.
  23. Krobar

    What is the best route north

    To the airfield? Zeleno, Pustoshka, Vybor, NW Airfield. A player NEVER needs to go in Cherno or Elektro.
  24. Krobar

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    It's using the Take on Helicopter's Engine. The Engine inbetween ARMA 2 and ARMA3.