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Everything posted by Krobar

  1. Krobar

    Craftable body armor

    It happens often with modern Kevlar vests.
  2. Krobar

    Craftable body armor

    Ok the point still stands then. If the round loses enough energy by the time it hits the cast iron door, the door would stop it from going through. Though of course there still would be likely enough force to break your ribs.
  3. Krobar

    Craftable body armor

    Dunno, cast iron can be brittle but solid 2 inches could probably stop a pistol round. Most likely if it hasn't already reached terminal velocity.
  4. A backpack with 50 slots?
  5. Krobar

    Craftable body armor

    When I first saw this thread Back to Future 3-esque door-from-the-cast-iron-oven body armor came to mind.
  6. Krobar

    DayZ SA/BIS games. Slicker presentation?

    I have noticed from various footage of towns that the team behind Chernarus Plus's design has issued at least a placeholder for a bus terminal where one would go buy bus tickets. Filling that with route maps would be cool. It'd be like John Every-man's basic starter map.
  7. Krobar

    DayZ SA/BIS games. Slicker presentation?

    I'd like to see different kinds of maps. Maybe the most common one just being a road atlas showing just roads. Just as common to those maybe hiking maps showing topography and landscape. Higher tiers go into police and militia to military, as what we see today as our maps with all the buildings and whatnot on them.
  8. Krobar

    dayz rules joke.

    26. Hes not hacking, one bullet CAN kill you.
  9. Krobar

    dayz rules joke.

    25. No, you can't jump and its not spacebar. You vault.
  10. A rash ignorant generalization only to start a fight after just saying not to get heated. From this and your other posts throughout the forum its like you've modeled yourself off of a middle school bully.
  11. Omg Ozelot ur so edjy plz have my babbies then kill them because they wont be 3edgy6enuf2you. Seriously guys just ignore him. I do act in DayZ very similar to how I really do though in general terms. I help people with the goal of expanding my circle of friends, allies, and contacts. Also I always do whatever I can to gain face for the organization I am representing.
  12. Krobar

    Just saw Rocket again.

  13. Krobar

    Just saw Rocket again.

  14. Krobar

    Random Spawn.

    Just clarifying
  15. Krobar

    Random Spawn.

    I dont like the idea of starter kits really. Just clothes if anything. Basic clothes at that. Jeans, T-shirt. But areas to spawn? Random across the map might be interesting. I think maybe a 65% chance of classic on the coast spawn but a 35% chance for a random on the map spawn. Though I do not recommend spawning people in towns or "hunters" near deer stands. Spawning people in points of interest may cause issues in confrontation. So random roads in middle of the woods for across the map spawns and no more.
  16. Krobar

    DayZ SA/BIS games. Slicker presentation?

    I think the menu text matching the text on the road signs for towns would be fitting. EDIT: In English I guess...
  17. I think theyre will be a reduction but of what magnitude I cant say. The reason behind it though is that there will be a lot more ways to interact with players in SA and it will be FUN to interact with people in these ways. For one handcuffing someone outside of a town then making a loud noise and hiding to clear a town of zeds and let them feed on the handcuffed guy. Also blindfolding and gagging someone then escorting them to your rape dungeon ...erm... I mean enslaving them to collect loot. Harvesting bodily fluids and organs maybe for medical needs or maybe for cultist ceremonies . Maybe in the future we'll even get the opportunity to tie someone to the back of a van and drag them through towns.
  18. Krobar

    Different foods

    Idk wtf you guys are going on about. The only thing I've ever seen grow in Chernarus are sunflowers and pumpkins.
  19. Krobar

    Huge Structures in DayZ SA

    double post
  20. Krobar

    [SA] How To Fix Clothing

    You fix damaged clothing by tearing it up and using it as bandaging and bandanas.
  21. Krobar

    Huge Structures in DayZ SA

    Definately. Sewers are also probably the most practical and the one that would fit in best in Chernarus. Basements too.
  22. Krobar

    What Do You Want to see Dayz SA?

    A system of notes and signs.
  23. Dont games release on Tuesdays in the US? Steam refreshes at what noon(?) local time. Prepare your monies.
  24. Halloween release imminent. http://steamdb.info/sub/17511/#section_info
  25. Krobar

    Halloween Release

    Its close enough to be happy about it. Maybe you can access it early if you do certain demonic rituals and sacrifices. Or give rocket a handy-j.