Hello guys! I have been playing dayz for quite awhile (About 60-70 HRs... Not too much) And i have thought of something. How about to make the windows in vehicles, a little bit... Usefull? How about to make a system that allaws you to Lower your windows. And to make them rise. Making them dissapear and re-Appear Visualy. Could be an easy way of demonstrating it. Or even animating them in the Stand Alone. -Benefits of having the windows up: Well... It will make the chatting inside. Heard only to people who are inside the vehicle. While outside nothing but the engine is heard. And they can give a little bit of protection. -Benefits of lowering the windows: People around the vehicle can hear you. Can be used to speak with someone outside of your car. To nagotiate. To set course with a team mate. All of that could be pretty usefull. And. Incase of a gunfight. Windows won't be broken. Dragging the player into industrial buildings after some glass. Tell me what you guys think. Peace out.