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ZekkCC (DayZ)

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Everything posted by ZekkCC (DayZ)

  1. ZekkCC (DayZ)

    Disconnecting AFTER death??

    Lame and needs fixed.
  2. ZekkCC (DayZ)

    Any take meat from animals

    Sometimes you have to leave the body and come back to it.
  3. ZekkCC (DayZ)

    Stream is up.

  4. ZekkCC (DayZ)

    A new level of hack.

    You would only believe this until you got banned and you didn't hack.
  5. ZekkCC (DayZ)

    Any tips for new p;ayer getting into PvP

    Don't trust people. :)
  6. Playing on low population server typically allows you to avoid both players and hackers with a good survival percentage.
  7. ZekkCC (DayZ)

    Disappointed - No Starting Gun

    Barns have hatchets. EASYMODE GO!
  8. ZekkCC (DayZ)

    Is this allowed?

    Video link pls!
  9. ZekkCC (DayZ)

    you sir, are an ahole

    The game is cruel and hilarious. :P
  10. ZekkCC (DayZ)


    Actually, that's not true. I just have a sense of humor. You should try it sometime. For every person that we grief, there's one that we help out or help learn the game. Dont be mad bro.
  11. ZekkCC (DayZ)

    Is the mod dead?

    The self righteous nonsense spewing in here is sad. :(
  12. In the event that this hacking gets fixed eventually, gear will never be as prevalent as it is right now. Consider this the 'golden age' of sniper rifles. Enjoy it while it lasts. ;)
  13. ZekkCC (DayZ)

    Rarest Item?

    The rarest items are in fact herps and derps.
  14. ZekkCC (DayZ)

    AS50 or SVD camo

    AS50 is easier to aim and has a secondary zoom function. SVD looks cool. Coin toss. ;)
  15. ZekkCC (DayZ)

    Updating & Patching Questions

    DayZ commander does almost everything for you. I didn't use Steam but once I had installed arma 2 combined ops, commander did the rest...including updating the beta patch.
  16. ZekkCC (DayZ)

    Day Z Videos

  17. ZekkCC (DayZ)

    First vehicle you ever drove?

    ATV found up north. :)
  18. ZekkCC (DayZ)

    Day Z Videos

  19. ZekkCC (DayZ)

    Seriously Zombies need to be more deadly

    Zombie pathing needs fixed. :\
  20. ZekkCC (DayZ)

    It Sounds Like It's Not Even About Zombies

    Yes, it is about pvp. There is currently no other content available.