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About excelseeore

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. excelseeore

    Google Chrome Theme

    it's cool! Thanks! :D
  2. excelseeore

    SUV Specials?

    Does anyone know the locations for the SUV Specials in DayZ origins? If so can you let me know SUVs are my favorite vehicle and the special is just 10 times as awsome! I know one location it's in a train yard type area above VinoGrad.
  3. excelseeore

    Day Zero

    I am whitelisted I just can't join :P
  4. excelseeore

    Day Zero

    Please help!
  5. excelseeore

    Day Zero

    I want to play some Day Zero a new mod for the mod DayZ, but..... When I try to join one of the serbers from DayZ commander it says my version is out of date. It is talking about my Arma version it needs version 103718 when I press install/update in dayZ commander there is no 103718?
  6. excelseeore

    DayZ private hive

    Is there anyone who has a DayZ private hive that we could play on preferably low pop. When I play I like to make a awsome base and get all the vehicles and it is cool if you can add buildings and heli and car spawns. Sorry if what im saying is confusing.
  7. excelseeore

    Heli pad ID?

    Yeah he added those but I wanted one if there is one a heli pad which is like..... a platform like the one in the top mountain base in Namalask.
  8. excelseeore

    Heli pad ID?

    Tried that it doesn't have heli pads :/ but thanks
  9. excelseeore

    Heli pad ID?

    My friend has a private hive and he is trying to make a proper base with like netted tents and that kind of stuff so we can put our vehicles and storage tents. He also wants to add a heli pad for a nice place to land but the ID he found is wrong does anyone have the right one?
  10. excelseeore

    Origins map?

    Yeah but the locations like towns and cities are accurate... you know besides Salvation
  11. excelseeore

    Origins map?

    Yeh.... thanks! :D
  12. excelseeore

    Origins map?

    Yeah I was using it for like finding how to get to places from where I am. Is the loot like accurate to Origins?
  13. excelseeore

    Origins map?

    Does anyone have a link or something to the Origins map like a loot map or a regular map?
  14. excelseeore

    I need Origins help

    I tried that and it didn't work, but ...... then I just followed the path from the message that I get and you have to remove the things the message says. It's hard to explain. :P
  15. excelseeore

    I need Origins help

    Me and a friend want to play DayZ origins and every server we tried to join Origins servers and it said a long message which ended with the path leading us the addons folder being non accepted or something like that. Please help.