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Everything posted by Bullseye471

  1. Bullseye471

    Horses in DayZ?

    I think Rocket once said that the mocap was too hard to do. But I still love the idea.
  2. Bullseye471

    Make DAYZ Harder

    I like the idea that gunshots attract more zombies, but sometimes a zombie traps you in a building by standing in the doorway and you have no other choice than to shoot. In my opinion there should be ways to avoid that like melee weapons (which are going to be in the Standalone as far as I know) or just shoving the zombies back so you can get out.
  3. I played a lot on this server and I have to say that all the added features are balanced and that the new guns are awesome!
  4. Sounds awesome I'm definitely gonna give it a try when I have the time.
  5. Bullseye471

    The greatest ambush of all time

    Why don't you have a bandit skin with that humanity? Awesome music btw
  6. I started playing a bit on your server. It's awesome. btw is the ability to remove the single parts from cars from your server or is it because of a new patch? (I havent played public dayz for a while and really liked that feature) I only played shortly so i didnt get to the bases yet but I liked that you put stuff like supermarkets or firestations in the smaller cities so you have a reason to visit them.
  7. Bullseye471

    Shooting out of the passenger seats of vehicles

    Dude this thread already exists like 10 times. Please use the search function before posting. The idea is good though.
  8. About the concealing weapons part: In takistan life, another mod for arma 2, you can holster your pistols so nobody can see them. That's something that's really useful. And I think its kinda unrealistic that you can carry 3 main rotor assembly in an ALICE pack.
  9. Bullseye471

    Where should i hide a base?

    You shouldn't keep your vehicles with your tents, because the vehicles are more likely to be found. And as soon as somebody finds your vehicle he's going to search the surrounding area for tents.
  10. Bullseye471

    I just dont know..... :/

    I'm not even sure if the standalone is going to come out for console. Does anybody know if the developers said something about that?
  11. Bullseye471


    I don't want to torture people. I just want to interrogate them Jack Bauer style to find out where their base is. But I already know everybody would just log out.
  12. Bullseye471

    Killed by Zombies???

    Actually there are mods for DayZ out there that make the Infected harder to fight, like DayZ+ for example. 4-5 hits and you're dead. I've played DayZ Origins lately and the zombies needed around 10 AK bullets to the chest to go down. A bullet to the head was still a one hit kill though so you needed to aim for the head.
  13. Bullseye471

    Why do you shoot unarmed players?

    I only kill them if they get close to me because they could pull out a hatchet or steal shit out of my backpack.
  14. Bullseye471

    A Darker, Grittier, More Retro DayZ

    I'm not sure but I think the Z in DayZ stands for Zero and not for Zombie. But anyways I think the developers know what they're doing and know that the zombies aren't much of a threat right now and are working on it. In one of the dev blogs they showed the new path finding system so the zombies catch up to you much faster.
  15. Bullseye471

    Why do people kill unarmed players?

    Some people buy arma 2 OA just to play DayZ so they don't play anything that has to do with arma 2 or even try to inform themselves about that, like armory (although that is really helpful for practicing to fly helicopters)
  16. Bullseye471

    Visual Effects from headgear

    That is a great idea in my opinion. only thing im worried about is how it would look like in 3rd person. It would be kinda weird that your vision still looks like you have a motorcycle helmet on although you're not in first person.
  17. Bullseye471

    Why do people kill unarmed players?

    Aiming exercises i guess. They come in handy in case you come across someone who can actually defend himself. and for the lulz of course although i dont do that, my aim is good enough (i hope)
  18. Bullseye471

    How do I even backpacks?

    You have to open your gear and press on your backpack. Then it says "open backpack" instead of "rearm".
  19. Bullseye471

    painting cars

    In my opinion you should be able to find different paint cans and be able to paint your car in a new color or just draw something on it. That way it's for example easier to find out if that car you found is the car that got stolen from you several days ago. It would be kinda awesome customizing your car like that in my opinion.
  20. Bullseye471

    painting cars

    I just thought, because it's really hard hiding vehicles that are painted blue or red, maybe you could paint your vehicles green so you could hide them in the woods more easy.
  21. Bullseye471

    Shooting out of a vehicle

    At the moment you can't do anything to defend yourself while being shot inside a vehicle except for driving away or running the guy over (what is kinda hard). In my opinion the passengers should be able to shoot out of the vehicle. It shouldn't be too easy though, the accuracy should be bad or you just don't have much space to move your gun around.
  22. Bullseye471

    Shooting out of a vehicle

    All ya had to do was follow the damn train CJ! xD
  23. So today I (Bullseye) was playing on the server US NY and my friend (FMJ) and I noticed that the entrances of the school/office building in Electro were blocked by hedgehogs, barb wire and sand bags, so I decided to remove all that stuff to get in there. Later that day I got server banned by the admin for spawning barriers what is probably somehow related to that incident in Electro. This must be a mistake and I really want to keep playing on that server (there are thanks to the active admin no hackers and my friend and I built up a base there).