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Everything posted by Rigjuce

  1. I was driving with a convoy (2 trucks, 1 jeep, and a helicopter) when out of nowhere someone shot the helicopter, crashed onto the jeep, and they were killed. we were still 6-7 guys in number so we decide to make a run for it in our trucks. well, they had about 3 jeeps and they were 12 strong. we were on a chase until our fuel ran out. so we decide to make it to a major city with our 4 or 5 minutes of fuel left and so we go into eletro. For some reason they turned around like, this is enough, and left us. explenation: 3 guys with ak47's which we fought but still barley won. it was epic, one of the few moments as most of dayz is scavenging not trying to get shot.If your wondering i joined their convoy because they were my in real life friends and heled me out, i am still kindda a noob XD.we were not pretty well equiped so we refuelled after that and declared a sort-kinda victory.