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About JPMiller

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. JPMiller

    Treasure and Money

    No formal currency, why would anyone put trust in money after the world fell apart?
  2. JPMiller

    Train... Hear me out

    The train should be a little faster then a car and be very hard to fix up and fuel but if it is it would be a great idea.
  3. JPMiller

    New Player looking for Clan

    Thank you everyone, I have decided to submit my application to Supremus Conguestum and thank all of you for helping in my search.
  4. JPMiller

    [SC][Open Recruitment]

    Age: 17 kype: jared.miller600 Country: USA How long of you been playing?: Month or two What 2 Classes/Jobs would you want to be?: Negotiator or Solder How good do you think you are on a scale of 1-5: 2
  5. JPMiller

    Ungrounds or tunnels?

    Possibly a subway system too.
  6. Hello, I am a new DayZ player who has gotten as far as I think I will get only playing by my self and am looking for a Clan to join who will help teach me the ropes. I have played other FPSes and survival type games before and have been a PC gamer since before then. I play a fare amount during the week but am limited on how much I can play then with school, I can put in far more time most weekends. If you would like to reply on behalf of your Clan please post it here, I know other people may want to know about it.