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About Rafael80

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Guess i made a mistake with a lowcase letter - cant join the server: MY GUID is: life, e.g. England) - 702c9d10100dd4400e9b9912517bd9c9 Can you add me again ?
  2. Guess i made a mistake with a lowcase letter - cant join the server: MY GUID is: life, e.g. England) - 702c9d10100dd4400e9b9912517bd9c9 Can you add me again ?
  3. Nice - How long must we wait before we can join the server ?
  4. -Rafaelin game, e.g. Panda) -Denmark (in real life, e.g. England) -GUID - 702C9d10100dd4400e9b9912517bd9c9 Thanks and see toy ingame :)