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Everything posted by Pickerd

  1. +1 for sticky. Well read thread sir.
  2. Pickerd

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    This is exactly why the devs should have never put such harsh restrictions on server admins. They can't build our little corner of the game. ive never had any probs like this in my BF3 servers or my TF2 servers. They are ran well and if someone gets banned, they can appeal on the forums which are reviewed by a 5 strong admin squad. You can ask any of my regulars (The Lizard Lounge on Steam or Battlelog) what they think of the server or it's admins. And I didnt need Dice or anyone else to tell me how to run them. The crappy servers with bad admins? They do exist, not saying they don't, but generate a bad rep and sit empty too. Can ensure we dont get bombarded with hackers, tweeny ragers, racists, exploiters and those who thing the freedom of the internet means you can publicly berate people. My servers are full all day and most the night because of the atmosphere and sense of community they have. What the devs here want is an MMO where the server admins are basically in GM's, and thats fine, if they didnt foot the bill. You can't have a paid MMO where the front line workers not only dont get paid, they actually have to pay. Ever heard of a GM for an MMO being required to pay to be a GM? No. They dont exist. But that is how DayZ is right now. If you want an MMO devs, charge the players and host your own server clusters. Cant do that though eh. Mod would get nowhere fast, so obviously that is far from an option, but it is an MMO I would be interested in that's for sure, as long as their was something done about cheating. These guys are fair ppl, and they are catching alot of flak over 3 guys who come on the forums and lied about what really happened. They disco'd during a firefight. Their were multiple witnesses, one has actually replied here about it. So all that anyone has on the admins is a mistake, which is human and anyone can make, from a butthurt player who wont let it go. (btw Dark, there were actually hackers on the server when you guys raided the tents and vehicles, but even knowing that there was, and it was suspected it was you guys, they still didnt stop you guys from raiding til they were sure some hacking was happening, so you were still able to fully raid 2 of their camps, with no bans, no server restarts til AFTER. That sound like an admin that is shady to you? or was it more simpy just a mistake and they banned the wrong guys. let it go. they owned up, unbanned, caught the right ppl, and moved on. they are dong their best to help make sure players have a fair place to play, and right now, DayZ is making APB look like a church when it comes to hacking. it soooo bad in there ive stopped playing) Yup. 4 pages long, over players falsely accusing. Normal day on the server forums, but the admins are the bad guys.
  3. Pickerd

    Dallas 22 Chinook?

    Like most servers now, Dallas 22 was over run by hackers, scripters and exploiters.... again. It's a daily thing now.
  4. Pickerd

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    I play on this server religiously. These guys are solid, fair admins. One of the few servers ive favorited. Ive looted their bases, killed them countless times, ive never had one freaking issue. Even ended up befriending them cause of how impressed i was compared to so many servers out there. If you had known what these guys have went thru in the last two weeks, with an enormous influx of exploiters, hackers, dcers, and various other fun stuff you may be singing a different tune. It's a daily occurrence to see teleporters, nukers, esp hackers, & scripters that find all vehicles and tents. Cant even have a vehicle these days cause no matter where it is, it will get found within a few hours. They've lost 20+ of their vehicles and I think 4 or so of their main bases, all the while NOT restarting their server to cheat their stuff back, or unfairly kick/ban, liek so many other poorly ran server. They suck it up as part of the fun and move on. Instead you feed into the first accusation thrown at them and start helpin the community break out the pitchforks, with no proof to boot? With admins dealing with this on a fairly constant basis, a dev asking for proof for something that is bannable, and should be a hellova lot higher on the todo list to prevent in the first place to stop for in this mod is insulting to good admins that are working their tails off to put forth a great environment. If dallas 22 goes down cause of this, im done. Im already near the end of my rope with the hacking and cheating as it is. TY for the awesome mod. I love it, but so much negativity and lack of respect being thrown around at all levels. They accused Lefty of banning them for this and that. It is on the accusers shoulders to provide burden of proof. Devs have said this themselves in this section of the forums, and I've read it time and time again. Why the sudden change of policy? You need a more structured reporting policy and submittal forums or something, because things seems to be judged by assumption. Someone accuses, must have proof. Defending side can provide counter proof, then you can judge impartially and unbiased, in an informed and adult manner. The way you are handling it right now, is non of the above, all the while on a public forum? You guys should show a little support for what these admins have been going thru trying to support this mod, and if you are oblivious to what they are facing, maybe it's time you looked into it, cause it's a freaking warzone in DayZ atm, and you set that table for them. It's players vs admins with all the admins backed into a corner feeling like the zeds being hunted, all the while trying to find the thousands of hackers, scripters, dcers ect ect. It is a no win situation for server owners. Need some more legit server owners to jump on this thread and tell you what is what. Ask them. Take a poll. Bet there isnt one that doesnt feel overly stressed trying to host a Day server right now. Your words "If he doesnt like it, he can close it, not like we are hurting for servers right now." shows what level of respect you have for them in the first place, and it sucks.
  5. Pickerd

    Dallas 22

    This guy mentions something about a parser that makes script hacking recognition alot easier. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=21124&pid=187106#pid187106 He didnt say the name, or links or anything, but thought it sounded helpful, so maybe a pm to him or something. I like the idea that you just filter out all the legit commands and everything that remains is an indicator of script cheating.
  6. Love the hive 'idea', but I think it's time server owners get to decide if they want their server married to it or not. The server I play on has been hell on earth all week due to server hoppers, exploiters, script kiddies and all sorts of various nonsense. Today we couldnt even play cause of hackers mass killing. Due to Arma 2 not logging who does the killing, there is no way to know who does it. This game is a hackers wet dream, and they are flooding in big time.
  7. I've always fond that XFire does a way better job of recording vids easily, and it automatically applies codecs so that it doesnt take up gig upon gig of hd space.
  8. Pickerd

    Barb Wire Removal

    Sephka, they wire off places like that because they are loot farmers hopping server to server in that location getting all the good gear. Hope something gets put in place to combat this. Disco'ers, server hoppers and loot farmers are ruining the whole experience right now. It's an alpha, and Im sure it will get sorted though, so i still play away and enjoy the game more than the things like this that really detract from the experience.
  9. The single biggest issue with the game is it doesnt log or notify who killed you and is making hackers/exploiters lives super easy.
  10. Pickerd

    Dallas 22

    The best part was when they moved to a new location after the initial raid (which at the time they just assumed it was a legit raid) that is when things got weird as within hours of their new camp set-up, it had been found, and ripped them to shreds. Fishy, hell yeah it is. BTW, the server restart wasnt them. Just the server doing its scheduled restart. If it was them, and they were being malicious, why would they wait til after those guys stole everything? Also, that server message has been on their for weeks, and it clearly doesnt say anything about stealing loot, it says loot farming. Big difference. Ever wonder why places like the firehouse are completely blocked off by barbed wire with no way in or out? That's a loot farmer inside it server hopping to the firehouse in dozens of server, and is an exploit and IMO should be very bannable. Their is a huge infux of cheating and hacking in Day z atm. Teleporters, aimbots, wallhacks, ammo crate spawning, scripts to detect where all vehicles are on the map ect ect. It's really getting out of hand, and Battleeye is severely limiting what an admin can do about it. Ive never heard of a game that doesnt log who killed someone. Arma 3 needs Punkbuster. At least with it admins have some tools at their disposal (pb screenshots, pbbans, cvar/md5 checks) that they can utilize to help detect cheaters. Right now Battleeye just doesnt cut it.
  11. Pickerd

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    I would, along with a few in this thread, like to host a DayZ server through NFO Servers. I only use NFO as they are above an beyond every other server provider IMO. I dont have the cash to rent a ded server from them to get shell access. I would be renting by the slot. The DayZ devs need to get support up for this. The servers online now are overloaded. Too many players, not enough servers. Seeing as most server providers ded server options having bandwidth restrictions well under what this mod needs, what we are getting is a ton of servers that arent the high quality this mod needs, resulting in a lot of lag, higher pings. Couple with that the strict conditions imposed ie. no reserved slotting for paying members of our communities to help provide servers for our players and more servers for dayz. I dont see the point in a group hosting a server if they cant get in said server to play. So, like myself, im sure a ton of other potential server admins arent getting dayz servers set up due to this. Im chalking up alot to it being alpha and you devs wanting to keep things on a tight leash for the time being. I myself have been running ded servers in my community for 11 years now and i feel things are way to restrictive for quality hosting options and experienced admins to want to consider setting up dayz servers. My question is, is things going to loosen up or is it in the plan to keep DayZ so tight with the limited server hosting options? The potential for abuse of your current system is scary as well. Lets say I ban a person for racism. He then decides to report our server for admin abuse, getting us blacklisted. What proof is required by the player to provide to ensure decent servers arent just getting trolled by jilted players?