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About tamtam666

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  1. tamtam666

    Out of map////KillZone

    Im not familiar with the Arma engine, im taking reference from the UT3 engine in UT3 editor you can ( and pretty much always do) place a killzone. its actualy a big BOX you usualy place all around the "map" or area you want your player to be. Basicly it sets boundaries and player must respect them if you go past the KNOWN boundaries, the killzone automaticly kills your player. does arma editor have that feature? and if so, is it that hard to add it to chernarus? the new thing about despawning vehicule that are out of boundarie after 24h is an excellent add. but y not simply make it so that players can simply NOT go out of the map. some will go around that new 24h despawn vehicules add, all theyl have to do is be sure not to let their car out of the map for more then 24h.
  2. tamtam666

    Spawning in the air!

    just happenedt to me too, logged out and logged back in mid air and fell to my death...:( good thing im placed my m107 back in my tent right before logging out has rocket said anyhing about this bug?
  3. tamtam666

    pistol holster toolbar item (and others)

    a strap belt for BEAN CANS!!!! :p
  4. tamtam666

    jerry can BOOM

    hey read all the post :P instead of making fun of an idea, use the bad part of it, use its potential and come up with a realistic alternative.
  5. tamtam666

    jerry can BOOM

  6. tamtam666

    jerry can BOOM

  7. tamtam666

    jerry can BOOM

    Woudnt it be awsome if you could shoot at jerry cans and make em go BOOOOM. you could do some very nice traps with that.
  8. tamtam666

    Ghillie suit Idea

    So by this thread I'm guessing the gillie.suit bug has been fixed?
  9. tamtam666

    Wilderness (1.7.1) - how I escaped

    wish rocket on on of the admins would make a thread about this issue, just to know if there doing something about it or letting us deal with it ourself...
  10. stuck in debug wilderness, tried many different ways to get out of it. please help! Name: tamtam66666 steam ID STEAM_0:1:34837541
  11. Seing many people posting their account name and id to get a relocation thingy...are admins actually doing something with that?? Or are those false hopes? Cuz I've been stuck in wilderness for 2 days now. Even if I run back to the map area, it will bring me back to the debug if I log out and back in
  12. if i run my way back to the game area and then log off, will my location be saved? or will i log back into wilderness?
  13. tamtam666

    Rough models for the green pouch items.

    for a 6th model ever it does look pretty good, would be fun to see the wireframe of it
  14. tamtam666

    Rough models for the green pouch items.

    3d programs, such as autodesk 3ds max, maya, softimage and more for texturing there is also different program but photoshop is mainly used
  15. tamtam666

    Rough models for the green pouch items.

    i would love to put some time into modeling and texturing props if it helps out, would need rocket to tell us if its actualy what he wants and if he does, what props he would actualy like to be models from the community