Great server, been playing there solid for the last couple of months. Very Hardcore Only Taviana map i've seen so far set to "mercenary". Love the no 3rd person. No third person looking over and around walls and all that crap !!!. Wanna drive around and fly stuff ? Hope you know how to do it in first person. No crosshairs either. Yep need good true aim for this server. Another thing i like about this server. It doesn't reboot every 6 or so hours to respawn loot. You get what the server provides and thats it, not what 6 hour restarts provide. Seems i'm always low in food and water and down to my last clip hoping this barrick might have some, never know who just raided a barrick or grocery store or that heli crash ahead of you and left it empty. No server restart around the corner to pack it full again. Wreck that cool ural or crash a chopper? Don't wait for a restart, it may be a day or two, or three. Forces you to think more, conserve more, and be careful more. Engaging in battle is far more risky, loot is just not EVERYWHERE waiting to be picked up like grab bags. VERY HARDCORE. Thanks Rob