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About cawlin

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I don't understand. I thought this sort of stuff was lenient with second chances. Thanks for the help I guess, I'll just have to buy a new key or wait for standalone.
  2. I'm not sure to be honest. I launched the game and tried joining a server but it auto distributed me back to the title screen. And if you're going to repeat the same thing the other people are saying, don't bother. I realize it's my fault indirectly, but I don't need to be reminded 3 times by different people.
  3. Hi, I'm Colin. None of you care so I'll get started. A little while ago, maybe like two months ago I had given my DayZ account or key, if you will. He said that he had wanted to play the game for a while now, but had no money to buy the game himself. Now I've known the guy for a while now so I said "sure, as long as you don't give it to other people.". Well he didn't do that, but what he managed to do was use hacks, /claiming/ that he was using them to "help players" like a friendly hacker. I sort of flipped a shit on him and told him to buy me a new account, but he didn't do it. So I thought all hope was lost and, to be completely honest, I had /no/ intensions of buying the game anytime soon. So I joined a new teamspeak server and someone told me I was able to appeal here, so here it goes. It sounds like a stupid/fake reason to be unbanned, but if I've ever been more honest it would be now. I don't know the format or anything on what you moderators/administrators need in order to unban me, so if you could tell me I'll be more then happy to retrieve it and send it to you. Much appreciated.