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Everything posted by dz302

  1. dz302

    Bandits and Self Defense

    When my group runs into another group, we're taking no chances, it's as simple as that, because even with the jump there's a huge chance with a firefight, we're going to lose some people. If I'm alone and I run into someone, I'll always ask if they're friendly first, if they don't respond and aren't going in the opposite direction, I'll kill them. If I get surprised and run into someone, I'll usually only fire if they're a bandit. If in the previous situation, the person I ran into was a bandit, I'll likely have less patience in waiting for a response, I think if you are a bandit you should be leaving populated cities and instead looking for ways to raise your humanity, otherwise you are playing as a bandit and will get treated as such. I have run into many situations where I have become a bandit, when it happens I don't hang around Cherno or Elektro waiting to get shot, I look for people to give a transfusion or something along those lines. At most I'll stock up on blood packs near a hospital and then leave the area.
  2. I'll give you an example. The hospital in Cherno has blood packs among other things, so people will always go there for various reasons to get supplies. Me, the bandit is hanging around a rooftop near the hospital in 3rd person view, I just pan my camera around waiting to see someone. I spot you, a lone wanderer approaching the hospital. Because I'm in third person, I'm able to angle my camera to see you, yet remain completely hidden, so I wait until you're facing another direction, pop out and kill you. This is the problem I have with third person, this is a survival mod, more hardcore than most games, having third person completely ruins that, and just about every bandit it using it, and I feel like I have to use it every time I enter a new area to make sure it's clear, just like the old Rainbow 6 days where you use 3rd person to peak around every single corner. I understand the appeal for third person, I really do...For example I only play Fallout games in Third person, It's more enjoyable for me that way. But Fallout is not online, and your survival is not dependent on what other people are doing, I don't think it belongs in a mod like this. ArmA already has mouse look so you can move your head around, and if you're worried about peripheral vision, then just increase your FOV in the ArmA config file.
  3. What exactly does this mean?
  4. I've still yet to hear an argument that justifies being able to see people while remaining completely hidden (how do you call that realistic?). I remember back in 1999 the game Rogue Spear allowed you to disable 3rd person, because in Rainbow 6 all people did was hide behind a box or corner and peek their camera around in 3rd person until they saw someone, then pop out and kill them. The only somewhat reasonable explanation I've seen supporting third person is that the increased FOV acts as peripheral vision (which I know is gone in 1st person), but you can change your FOV in the ARMA2 config files and ARMA2 also has mouse look by holding Alt, so that point is basically moot.
  5. dz302

    CZ appreciation station

    A few days ago my group left from Cherno to the Sobors, Airfield and other towns around there. On the way we found 3 M24s...we met a few hostile groups and ripped them apart from a safe distance :), if only we were bandits.
  6. You've been registered for 7 days longer than I have, I don't know if that makes you, me, neither or both qualify as 'veterans', but this is an incredibly selfish and greedy attitude to have. As for the 'xbox live' or 'lowest common denominator' type player, for one I think this being a sandbox mod in a very clunky ArmA2 engine already filters a lot of them out. Cherno and Elektro are basically always going to be a bad time, they were when I first started playing and still are now, they're the places that attract brand new players, and griefers or those who are lazy to figure out anything else in the game, I don't think that's really going to change with the type of players that are coming here. Basically, if you goto Cherno or Elektro, you're going to have a bad time. The game opens up on a whole new level when you leave those areas, and you rarely ever run into the same problems elsewhere.
  7. You gain humanity by giving blood transfusions, painkillers, morphine or bandaging other players' wounds, as well as killing other bandits. Killing zombies really has nothing to do with 'humanity', it is a zombie apocalypse after all, whether you are good or evil, you still need to deal with zombies. Plus for balance reasons it would be unfair, you could join empty servers and just roam around killing an endless supply of zombies that keep respawning for you.
  8. Just a suggestion that the game take The Walking Dead universe, where everyone is infected already, and a death in any way will result in your body turning into a zombie. (If you don't know, getting bit by a zombie in TWD just gives you an infection that will kill you very quickly, it doesn't actually turn you). Perhaps there could be a 15 minute timer and when the zombie spawns the body will disappear, this would also give an explanation to why you can't loot a body after x amount of time.
  9. I can't see it picking up any more than the second half of season 2, but it's going to focus a little more on comic book stuff now with Michonne, they were only on the farm for a brief period in the comics. This doesn't mean there is going to be more action though, the comic is a drama set in the zombie apocalypse, now that they know there is no hope, it focuses on relationships and whether or not people can survive and live on in those circumstances.
  10. I guess that makes sense. I wasn't suggesting that players come back to play as zombies, just 15 minutes (or it can be any length of time) after death, their corpses disappear and spawn as NPC zombies. It would give an explanation to why zombies are randomly spawning in areas after you've already cleared them out, and why you can't loot people after x amount of minutes, in a sense a logical way to explain these things, rather than 'just because' or for balance reasons. In TWD universe everyone got infected by the disease, only once you died the disease kicked in and restarted your brain in zombie mode, the survivors are called The Walking Dead because it means there is essentially no hope, even if all the existing zombies died out, starting a new town or large group of people would result in another outbreak with a single accidental or natural death, essentially every single human being who dies from now on will turn into a zombie. I won't get into any more detail than that since only this much has been explained so far in the TV show (comic explains some more).
  11. I passed by someone in a hallway, which ended up breaking my leg since there wasn't enough room for both of us...But I also lost my hearing, how do I get it back? (I can hear, it's just a lot quieter than normal).
  12. I disagree, the current way of gaining Humanity back works fine. As for melee, definitely is needed.
  13. ...But they aren't dead in The Walking Dead either, the infection restarts their brain after they die, and they turn into a zombie. 'The Walking Dead' refers to those who are still human.
  14. dz302

    Group Photos

    I searched on reddit and found a few people in game just asking "who wants to group up, I have teamspeak and a map!" Made a group of 5 or 6 pretty cool guys I've been playing with the last few days, we're always going on missions to the Sobors, airfield, etc...Gotten in a few big firefights along the way I don't really like big groups though, we try to keep it to 5 people, maybe 6 if someone we know comes online.
  15. When I launch in Steam, it does not load the DayZ mod, it just loads Vanilla ArmA2, but everything works fine in the ArmA II Launcher. For various reasons, I'd like to have it working in Steam. If it matters, I have Steam and ArmA2 in separate hard drives, I used Steam Mover to put ArmA2 on my SSD, but I can play other mods (like Project Reality) without a problem. Here are my settings for both:
  16. Yeah that was the problem, thanks. I was following a video guide that had a typo :(
  17. What does this mean? I had bandaged myself with 57 health, passed out on the ground, couldn't move but if I hold alt I can move my headaround, and still manage my inventory or eat things. Someone was kind enough to give me some steaks and I'm at 3257 health now, after 10 mins or so I got an hourglass that lasted for 5 seconds, I stood up but passed out again the same way. Also my screen is shaking with, and I can hear every heartbeat. My blood gauge also looks empty. This is what it looks like now: I'm hanging off the edge of the Green Mountain Tower if you're wondering about the orientation.
  18. dz302

    [GUIDE] Configuration Tweaking

    If anyone is playing with an ATI video card and experiencing poor performance (especially when zooming in with right click), you can lower the Scene Complexity. I set mine as: sceneComplexity=320000; And haven't noticed any visual difference, but am able to zoom in without any stutters or FPS loss now.
  19. dz302

    Spawn protection?

    I just logged in and someone had shot me before my screen even loaded...Quite frustrating.
  20. This is terrible reasoning. It's possible to increase your FOV in the ArmA engine, and the FOV you gain from 3rd person doesn't justify the ways it is currently exploited (ie: seeing other people around corners/obstacles while remaining completely hidden.
  21. dz302

    Restore Blood \ Health Over Time

    Whatever the current system is works fine. If it had to do with resting or eating, I'd probably just eat something and then afk tabbed out in prone hiding somewhere.
  22. dz302

    Stop recieving data.

    Happening here as well, was playing fine last night.
  23. dz302

    graphic artifacts

    When I put graphics back and hit OK, it tells me I will need to restart to complete all changes, then the graphics look blurry, is there any way to force it to redraw again?
  24. dz302

    More zombies

    Theres a big lack of them, I would actually have to try on purpose to pull more zombies than I can handle. When I think of the zombie apocalypse, I think of a gunshot alerting the horde, or all zombies move to your position and you get overwhelmed.