My in-game name is PDerp. Steam: My friend's in-game name is SatanSoldier. Steam: My friend was playing on US8546, having gotten back into the game several days ago. It's currently night as I am writing this, so he was playing on a new server to play in night-time. After him prodding me for a while, I re-installed ARMA2 and DayZ to play it again. The last time I even played was prior to melee weapons being added. Within two minutes of me logging in, and finding my character to still be intact, my friend was banned. At the time, people in chat were making some mention of somebody hacking. He was busy crawling with a broken leg trying to get to Stary for morphine. I commented in chat asking why he was banned, then said I was at the moment on mumble with him. I was then banned as well while in the middle of trying to vouch for him, despite how little I'm sure someone new to server would really have an effect on such a thing. Not exactly a great way to get back into the game... :/