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About PDerp

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    On the Coast
  1. My in-game name is PDerp. Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Silverstinger My friend's in-game name is SatanSoldier. Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SatanSoldier/ My friend was playing on US8546, having gotten back into the game several days ago. It's currently night as I am writing this, so he was playing on a new server to play in night-time. After him prodding me for a while, I re-installed ARMA2 and DayZ to play it again. The last time I even played was prior to melee weapons being added. Within two minutes of me logging in, and finding my character to still be intact, my friend was banned. At the time, people in chat were making some mention of somebody hacking. He was busy crawling with a broken leg trying to get to Stary for morphine. I commented in chat asking why he was banned, then said I was at the moment on mumble with him. I was then banned as well while in the middle of trying to vouch for him, despite how little I'm sure someone new to server would really have an effect on such a thing. Not exactly a great way to get back into the game... :/
  2. thanks but i have all in low and i tryed all launch options' date=' cpucount, extreads maxmem etc etc etc, 60fps in arma 2 OA, 10 in Dayz, nice optimization, keep changing useless shits like zombies animations when a lot of people cant play at 10fps [/quote'] When you act like an entitled asshat towards the developer of a insanely popular mod (that he so graciously has kept free to play), it speaks volumes about your character.
  3. YES. So long as it is NOT persistent between lives, this is a great idea. It's a great and subtle dynamic. However, I play each life differently, so being perceived as a murdered when I haven't actually murdered anybody would kind of suck. If it needs to be persistent, then the only way it would be okay in my opinion is if dying caused you to gain a lot of humanity back. Thus, if you died a couple of times, you wouldn't produce the heartbeat anymore. Just my two cents on the idea. All in all, so long as it isn't persistent, I LOVE this idea.
  4. PDerp

    The Ban TS3 thread!

    Metagaming is going to happen no matter what. It's rather ignorant to try to force your desire to have none of it on everybody. That's why no side/global is a bad choice, and it should be disabled on a server by server basis. If you want no metagaming, then join a server specifically for no metagaming. People can still use teamspeak, mumble, ventrillo, or any other program they choose, but you'll have it on an honor system to work with. TL;DR: Don't force your views on others when it comes to communication with other players.