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Everything posted by Enku

  1. Enku


    Same happened to me few days ago , im so depressed. I mean , i havent even searched for hacks or cheats , and i have never hacked or cheated the game , i have never picked up hacked weapons etc. i got a random Global Ban for no FUCKING reason? I would be happy to know the fkin reason , cuz im fapping fourious right now. IS battleye cereal about this ?
  2. Enku

    Bad serial number given in setup

    At step 6 it gives me an error : The Registry Editor cannot rename ArmA 2 OA. Error while renameing key
  3. Hi , i realy realy wanna join. My frind plays( Hes with HERO skin ) and i realy wanna play with you. I belive this is one of , if not THE Best server! So , heres my info that i needed to postificate. Name:Enku Location: ESTONIA My GUID:273146b87020d6a88d902b9485b63850 If i can join , i will do my best to balance DayZ , and do as many good deeds as possable! It would be honor to join the best server of DayZ