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barrel (DayZ)

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About barrel (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. barrel (DayZ)

    Tracer rounds?

    LMGs (240, 249, mk48) all have tracer rounds (1 every 10? rounds)
  2. barrel (DayZ)

    Motorcycle Tire Durability

    If possible, I'd like to see motorcycle tires made a lot tougher. Currently running over a single zombie (or survivor) will bring the tires to yellow/orange, and even a gentle bump into a tree will bring you to yellow. UAZs/Offroads/etc can go for days without needing a tire change but on a motorcycle I seem to be having to change one every other hour.
  3. barrel (DayZ)

    Does anyone know if heli's are spawning?

    i haven't seen a single vehicle of any kind spawn since 1.5.8, but prior to that helicopters consistently spawned at podeba dam, for one. i think griff is making shit up and something in the 1.5.8 patch broke vehicle spawns.
  4. barrel (DayZ)

    Screen always dark like night

    i'm pretty sure that happens because your "client time" runs at 1:1 with real time and the "server time" runs slower because the server is shitting itself 24/7
  5. i'm not involved in this recording but we had to kick this guy from mumble like five times because he kept coming in with names such as "nigger_fag"
  6. barrel (DayZ)

    Ban Appeal?

    i've witnessed a legion admin kicking a player who had killed him fwiw
  7. barrel (DayZ)

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    i don't like the skin solution but there was a patch or two where the skin was broken and there were people sitting in every major city with CZ's shooting everyone on sight, i think it's important to have at least some way of knowing that a player is untrustworthy and there should be some kind of system to discourage people from posting up in cherno with a scoped rifle. maybe if you've killed a lot of people in a certain zone you start to get a "reputation", map markers start appearing in a radius near your position, closing in as you kill more people.