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About kprstac@gmail.com

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  1. kprstac@gmail.com

    [BSB] Network Recruiting

    Feel free to join us Gents,we are recruiting and looking for people to join the Raven faction!
  2. kprstac@gmail.com

    Calling All REAL Bandits & Lone Wolves

    The server whitelist is dropped so anybody is free to join!
  3. kprstac@gmail.com

    Calling All REAL Bandits & Lone Wolves

    Plus we got a contingent of the best Trusted Medics of the Wasteland dudes ready to provide medical help!
  4. kprstac@gmail.com

    Calling All REAL Bandits & Lone Wolves

    Well there is no rule against shooting anyone,kinda free for all,you might tag along with ravens or scorpions,but then again you can get shot in the face in 2 minutes after travelling with them.Ravens tend to be more friendly and evasive in their approach to survival in the Day Z world, where as our Scorpions tend to be more hostile and aggressive in their survival techniques. Anyhoo,if you want some fun be sure to join the server,there are always some ppl online,including me,willing to play with someone,just make sure you get into TeamSpeak.
  5. kprstac@gmail.com

    Calling All REAL Bandits & Lone Wolves

    Jimmy mate,if ya need blood contact me when I'm on TS(mostly) so I can help you.
  6. I can dig it baby. You got my beans.
  7. kprstac@gmail.com

    Calling All REAL Bandits & Lone Wolves

    Well someone put up the "secret base" marker on the north island's volcano centremsome 3 days ago hahah
  8. kprstac@gmail.com

    Dayz: Your Code of Conduct

    Run into nearest city. Run around to find items. Then proceed north,my usual path leads trough Zub Castle to Stary Sobor,then NW airfield. Or Berezino then Krasnostav and NE airfield.
  9. kprstac@gmail.com

    Calling All REAL Bandits & Lone Wolves

    Yea dude,pity he got nabbed,zombie clipped him and he went down unconsious,there were just too many zombies to save him :/
  10. kprstac@gmail.com

    Calling All REAL Bandits & Lone Wolves

    Box dude,there is nothing useful in your "secret base" except 3 medical boxes XD
  11. kprstac@gmail.com

    Calling All REAL Bandits & Lone Wolves

    the higest Value of Course hehe been Camping for about 45 Minutes more than 30 meters From the building,checking every 10 minutes. I think that because i didnt clear the trash loot... :/ EDIT: Okay guess what,efter the server reset tonight i went to NW airport,and decided to go prone by the Pine tree near the first hangar. Guess what? I instantly died the moment i got close to the tree being prone. R.I.P. coyote backpach,G17,AK and ghillie suit Spawned in middle of nowhere too far to run back to airstrip :/
  12. kprstac@gmail.com

    Calling All REAL Bandits & Lone Wolves

    I'll get on tonight as well,hope to see you guys there. BTW,I had no luck finding a better weapon than the AK in the Barracks.... Does the server restart on regular basis? And what about cars,didn't find any yet,also no heli crashes(might just be my bad luck)
  13. kprstac@gmail.com

    Calling All REAL Bandits & Lone Wolves

    I'll try and hit up your server tonight,depends on my ping. Does axe killing give any bonus? XD EDIT: Okay just finished playing on your server. I had a huge blast,met up with a guy from Hungary a we had most epic 4 hours of play :D We both got geared up,AK-U's i even found a shotgun :D My pal got himself also some nice items.All in all well played dude. Shout out goes to you BSB guys and to my new pal Shame i don't record games,would be a good video. I'll definetly return to your server,tho it was kinda low on ppl and we didn't see any PVP action. Basically i'll be lone-wolfing if I odn't recconect with him.