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Everything posted by alphax

  1. alphax

    I want the woods to be dangerous..

    What about the sybirian lynx? They are semi-dangerous in reallife, and in addition with "pet-animals" like dogs (wich lynx like to attack ) they could be a danger for all who are travelling with their dog alone through the woods. According to wikipedia, the average territory size is about 250 km², we could tweak it down so that we have maybe 10-15 areas where a "territory" could spawn. One territory could contain maybe atleast one grown lynx and 2-5 juveniles. There are so many possibilitys, as they mark their core-territory heavily with their urine, wich smells really badly, so you could know when you are very close to the core of the territory, where the probability of an encounter rises extremely.
  2. Well there is a first time for everything, I have just met the first player in the Standalone. Later i met three players in 30 minutes, we did some looting and talked nice to each other. Its nice to see the people growing together again. This is the core of DayZ, no KoS just nice talking. Like a big family. To the guys i met : I want to apologize for my bad english, my free-talking skills suck sometimes, especially when i'm excited :P It was a pleasure talking to you. So now i want to ask the other people out here in the forum, how have your first encounters been in the Standalone?
  3. alphax


    Russia isn't only snow, infact the russian landmasses spread all over the different types of climatic-zones. You basicly have cold-ass-shit up in the north and hot-sweaty-stuff down in the south, not only ice cold weather across the nation. Because you know, russia is big.
  4. alphax

    Dayz lags when recoding! Please help

    My bet is on the HDD, i have myself a WD (they are good, especially the "server"-class) what is the "write-speed" of them? (Exactly those who you have, no other revision) Also what are the timings of your ram? I suggest a SSD for recording, if the recording is done you can still swap the data to a HDD.
  5. alphax

    Puff Jacket

    Oh god i hate those jackets in reallife, they just look like you've taken a plastic-trashbag and filled it up with some fluffy stuff. Sorry for that, but they just look awful for me. I will punsh everyone i see in-game wearing those things in the face until the person drops it, later if its possible i'll burn it. But for now, shooting it on the ground will do. At least the 3d Model and the textures are looking nice :P
  6. alphax

    What is going on!?!? (fps issue)

    I think it depends on the game of how much FPS you need to make it look smooth for the human mind. Its relative to the objects-speed you are looking at the screen and how fast its surround is moving. For example a racegame where you drive with 1000kmh looks just fine and smooth with 60 or more FPS, however its still "playable" with less, it just doesn't look as good. Where as a game with lowspeed movement/actions simply doesn't need 60 FPS, sure you can tell a different when you compare them but you won't miss any actions happening on the screen only because low FPS. It depends on the games behavior of what is happening In-Game. In an action-loaded game with many things flying through the screen (here bullets for example) more than 25 FPS clearly won't hurt.
  7. alphax

    What is going on!?!? (fps issue)

    Welcome to the world of DayZ. FPS drops in towns are normal due to many objects wich get rendered/loaded. It will get better when its more optimised, but things like that are just a part of an alpha. Be happy that its nothing worse, and 20-30 FPS is still playable. PS: Its Chernogorsk, not Chernobyl.
  8. DayZ wasn't about PvP in the first place, its about surviving and PvP is a part of surviving/it interferees with it. In the first days of the mod for example player helped each other and scavenged for stuff, but with more publicity through youtubers, who gave new players the wrong intention about the game, also more and more "Gamer" from other genres walked over. And since they weren't that good at looking for loot to survive for themselves they just did what they were good at, they started shooting, KoS'ing. And out of this, came the pure Banditing for the fever of killing. Killing became something they didn't do to survive, they did it because they had fun doing it. They got the feeling as if they have more power or force over somebody else. The power to "end a life". So they continued with it and spread it in videos like "Bambi-Killing Spree in Elektro -by xXDayZBanditMasterXxLP" (get the kiddie reference here?) And those videos even gave more new player a wrong tention about DayZ, they spread the message that only if you kill somebody else you are a good player. But all they really did, was killing DayZ, people got bored of getting killed in the spawn towns, some people stopped playing because of it, some others became one of those "Bad-People" themselves (seems stupid hah?). And as the people got smarter they tried to get around the spawn cities and just walk for their life, so the spawn cities got boring for those bandits and so the "DayZ PvP 120 Vehicles - Starter Gear - Custm Loadout" Servers got born. And as soon as some poeple have seen that they can make some profit by giving people custom starter gear at spawning and stuff, more and more of those servers came up. At peak times it was hard to find a server with no custom stuff and it still is. The soul of Vanilla DayZ-Mod got killed by its own community. Note please that by bandits I mean those stupid players who just kill for the joy of it, i know there are "good" bandits too, who don't KoS. God damned banditing isn't just about killing. Shooting someone in the back is easy as shit. But robbing somebody, or secretly following them and locking them down to rob them takes much more patience. The DayZ SA gives us the opportunity to lock people down, by handcuffing them atm. but there sure will be much, much more possibilitys in the future. It adds a variety, the variety of banditing. In the end i just can say that people who KoS on purpose are pussies. Shooting somebody in the back doesn't take as much courage as talking and approaching somebody. Even if you can kill somebody easily, just don't do it. As long as the other person isn't an enemy for you, you have no cause to be an enemy for him. KoS-ing is just shy. "To test the character of a man, give him the power over something or somebody else and see what they do." PvP became a threat, rather than an "feature". The only one who can balance the PvP factor of this game is the community itself. They changed the PvP factor before and they can do it one more time back at a good state. But at the moment the community is just killing off their own game. I think, DayZ is about surviving and PvP is a part of it, however it should be more like "you have to defend yourself"-PvP rather than "i just want to kill those people, lol"-PvP as it is for the most people now.
  9. alphax

    vehicles you want in the game

    what about bobby cars? Everyone likes them :)
  10. alphax

    Filling Canteen's

    Go into first person, get the canteen in the shortcut menu and get it out by pressing the number it has. Scroll on the water well or at a pond and klick "fill canteen" :).
  11. alphax

    DayZ UI / HUD Photoshoped *UPDATED*

    Why would we make a 3d Character thats turnable in the Inventoryscreen if we just overlay it with other stuff. Thats the only thing i see what I don't like, its actually nice to see your own chracter and move/turn it the same with items. Other stuff looks good, the colours fit the setting. But i have to say I also like the less pimped version we have right now. AND: Its just an Alpha, it has been said a lot of times, its about working. Fancy stuff is coming next. What you see there is Programmer-Art (Dean even called it on E3 or Pax, cant remember). Like the font its just a placeholder for a fancy UI and i think that they have some very talented people who could do it the same way. As i said above, i like reduced stuff, so there's not much on the screen where new players get disappointed about. I think you have done a good job, but i also want to say that bohemia already has a bunch of talented artists, who love their work and who will make the actual Inventoryscreen once its needed/wanted. But for now the alpha screen is working and thats all it should. First the base, than the house on top of it. PS: You're living a dangerous way by coming up with WarZ on here :D.
  12. alphax

    I have just met players

    Wow, bad start :D
  13. The Power of Hype has been unleashed!
  15. I need official confirmation!!!! - snip - ITS TRUE ITS MOTHERFUCKING TRUE
  16. You can almost smell the "So close". :D
  17. you saw my backout plan? I wrote "or the next few days", wich is relative and could mean anytime #smartass :D
  18. 100 $ Today is the Day - or the next few days.
  19. We actually already had a Friday the 13th this year.
  20. nice :D! Its some kind of Inside-Gag, someone who knows it understands why its funny, while another person just sees this as a normal clothing stuff.
  21. alphax

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Just saw Rocket driving his new car, nice colour though... . Kinda looks like driving in DayZ. Random crash, big explosion.
  22. I think the SA can't re-create the first-time feeling, as it isn't the first time, but it will create a total new feeling as new gameplay aspects get added.