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Everything posted by alphax

  1. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    I agree :). Oh and i also add an image of the cerealbox, with my placeholder texture if someone may needs it for texturing. As i said, it doesn't needs to get in the mod as it is :D but thats just a typical cerealbox, at least something on what children would look, I'm gonna also do a muesli version of it.
  2. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    @Hoik wow, that stuff looks awesome! :D especially the books are great! I'm sure that the single books and cartons and bottles actually would fit really good in the mod :). A good place to find for those cartons would be the industrial spawns. And the bottles would fit perfectly in the pub's :D! In Arma 2 and/or OA are already models for speakers and a record player, as far as i know :). @ Papa here is the cereal box. https://www.dropbox....knl/Cereals.zip The texture wich i've created doesn't actually need to get used, sure it would be cool, but its ok if not, it may doesn't fit in very well, but it looks like a cereal box. :D you can take a look at it if you want.
  3. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Finished the cereals texture + the closed version, using the same uv-layout. Gonna upload it later that day... time for some sleep :D.
  4. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    thanks :) looks awesome! You could do a total trash version of the trashed version, with rust on it and a damaged texture.
  5. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    ah damn, found a wrong normal in the cerealbox model... i'll do a fixed version that comes with an fancy texture :)
  6. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Wow, awesome :D! Here is the trash version of the sardines https://dl.dropboxus...5s_HADdInQ&dl=1 its the Sardines_trash.blend. Its using the same UV-Maps :). I've also created a texture for the military mug, you can take a look at it if you want :).
  7. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Make ready for the Master Sword out of Zelda in DayZ xD no, just kidding :P. I'll look into it. Oh, the part of the scaling could be a mistake of mine had done a bit of weird downscaling... does Arma has its own Units, or can i just use meters/centimers? (Here i had used Centimeters, the model is something about 20cm long, will be fixed with the trash version - at least i hope that i can do so :P. And with the flipped Z/Y axles hm.. i know that Blender is a bit different there to other 3d Modelling software, Blender uses the Z Axle as vertical line and not the Y axle as many other modelling tools do. Why? I don't know. But we may can fix it, by rotating the Model. Trial and Error... could take some time. But i woud first try to rotate it around -90° at the Y axis. But at least, it looks really nice so far. :)
  8. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    yehaa :) looking forward to see the pics :). If you want or if you need help with the model of the nailgun, i could help if you/your friend want :).
  9. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Sure i can make a trash-loot version! :D just takes a few minutes :) It will may have a bit different UV-Maps, cause i have to add faces for the inside. But i'll try to keep it as it's in the normal version, at least the out side parts of the UV-Map :)
  10. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    take your time, metal textures aren't the easiest thing out in this world :D Just look at my sick rust texture.. i mean its weird :D I could help a bit with the textures if you want :). I think i'll do now some toy-models :) like a bit of a dirty and crunched teddy :D. And a fancy model for chocolate... hm.... chocolate, something like parlines.
  11. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Alright :) So far i've finished: - sardines tin box - cerealbox - mug* - military mug (with 2 normals maps one for regular and the other one for a "rusted" texture)* - Soup (One of those pre-done soup mixes, where you only have to add boiled water)* and things with "*", for them i have already done a bit of an "test-texture" https://www.dropbox....yZFoodStuff.zip don't forget that the models with an "H" at the end are the highpoly models, wich i've used to create the normal maps, for importing you should use the models with an "L" at the end. Otherwise we will have an vertex- and facecount explosion :D
  12. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    will link them asap :) i'll finish the work on the mug and after that you'll get the link :)
  13. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    thanks! Yess, a reference would be nice :) btw, finished already 2 other models :P one for the soup thingy and a mug :) mug needs to get a bit of fine tuning atm, but its almost done. Also a cereals box is finished :).
  14. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    there you go :) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/kxc9iou33lkxtp7/Sardines_Box.zip?token_hash=AAGn9lX_vvJuXb8UkOkTSwcnCksTQ8ihRjHEeCyEshQtnw&dl=1
  15. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Alright :) the Model of the fish can is done. Where can i send it to? I can't export it for Arma, cause i can't find the export plugin for blender. But i could send the model to someone else, who may has it and got more expierence with the importing of models, @ Papa Ingasmeeg can you do that? Tell me the format you'll need and you get it :) I've heard that .obj or .3ds is required. I also got a UV-Layout for you ;D.
  16. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Working on a sardines tin-box or something, like from your image above :) you will need normal maps aswell right? Also Ambient Occlusion?
  17. alphax

    Just saw Rocket again.

    I really need to repost this thing now :)
  18. alphax

    Just saw Rocket again.

  19. Hello everyone, Since now a few days, there are no more vehicle spawning on our server, the server ist hosted by gamed!de. Our server is connected to the german "My"-Network. The server was running fine, without any problems or errors, but after a daily restart all vehicles/tents are gone. After that we have loaded a backup on our server, vehicles are still gone, the backup was from a day, where everything was just fine. We've asked our provider, he said that our server configuration was a bit buggy, as it seems, they've reinstalled the whole server. But now, a few hours later, there are still no vehicles spawning, no push bikes, nothing :( My question is now, where can we take a look at the server files, to find out if one is faulty or the vehicles just got ported to a bad place from a script kiddie. I've heard that there is somewhere a Mysql Database, where Vehicles are marked as "working" or "crashed/broken" and that there is sometimes a bug, where the server marks everything as working and don't spawn new ones after a Restart / after a time. Current vehicle spawn limit is 55 ( we've pushed it up a bit, after a few "non-spawning" restarts. just to find out if there is something spawning ) we have walked now on almost every vehicle/bike/heli spawns (we have split them up and everyone was searching a direction North, South, West and East ). There has to be something working wrong. I don't know if this is the right section of the Forum for such questions, pretty new to it. If someone need's more information, you can ask me and i'm gonna send it via PM to you. Thank's for help. Would be really nice if someone knows the answer. :)
  20. We already searched for everything again... I've now heard that i may could some time after a reset/new installment of the server till vehicles spawn. We're gonna wait now some time/restarts :D may sometime hopefully spawns something, otherwise we'll ask our server provider again. Already searched with google for answers, nothing helpful found.. :(
  21. I think that only small groups can work good together, you still have to find a car and repair it, it may just get's speeded up. And yes, the first experience in DayZ you should defently make alone, not with someone in TS or Skype etc. just play the Game, turn the volume of the Ingame Music up and you get the DayZ feeling :). And also, if you wan't it back, i can just say to the people who disabled it to can hear the people in TS etc. better, turn it back up. Makes everything twice interesting :D