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Everything posted by alphax

  1. alphax

    Just saw Rocket again.

    sorry, i just saw those images and i thought they were just created for this one reason :). You can almost see dem skillz.
  2. alphax

    Just saw Rocket again.

    i actually wonder why this hasn't been done before :).
  3. alphax

    November Round-up

    i like dem Zombie Laideyysss... :) and that sun glare, nice but a bit too much as they already noticed and said in the video. And the floating item stuff also has been more, it has reduced as it seems. The compass is also nice, but we defently need to see more of it, so we can see exact degrees.
  4. alphax

    November Round-up

    This is just like in Kerbal Space Program, if you set your manouver notes and it does show you the speed you need, but not how long you will have to fire your rockets. We already know whats required for an Alpha Release, but we don't know how long it will take till all those required parts are tested and integrated well.
  5. alphax

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Now something different, i wish for an documentation maybe a video or even something like a movie in an "How-its-made" style after the full version of DayZ is released. I think it would be interesting to get some views behind the scenes of the development. I could just imagine those guys happily screaming after they have tested the server with 3000 zombies.
  6. alphax

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Well as if anybody here is expecting a perfect and polished version at the beginning, it would be the open alpha so we all would be testers, it would be our duty to report bugs and stuff. I have no problem with that, we would all participate at something nice and big.
  7. alphax

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    So what i understand is that rocket just said: We will get the alpha [insert random time space, probably "soon"]. But it won't be the perfect polished thing, it will be more like alright we got it and its in a "playable" for a start, now we can satisfy our addiction. Hints, hints and hints or just random words in a random order... only the dev Team knows. I hope they will post a real confirm for the release with the "its habbening" image, as they are all watching at these threads and probably know it already. :)
  8. alphax

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    They have just posted a picture of sunshine.... we could understand the sunshine like "the bright end of a tunnel" or like "they can see light at the end of a tunnel" wich could mean they're doing some nice progress. Or they just wanted to show their fancy sun effects to us. Or were just creating stories and "what could they mean with that" around all those pictures, posts etc. to create a logic story for our brain, cause thats what its made for, solving stuff. Or we are just crazy. I think the last point matches always. And don't ya'all forget, rocket has to cut the grass of cherno before they are ready to release.
  9. alphax

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    On the post of onlinewelten, they say that the DayZ-Early-Acces-Version has been shortly avialble/visible in the steam client and only a limited amount of keys has been avialble, for 12.99€. Other people say that they've also seen the DayZ-Early-Acces-Version on steam. Also they tell about the renaming of ValveTestApp221100 Early Access to DayZ Early Access to Steam Sub 18843 and that Rocket doesn't want to tell about what exactly is going on, only that the development is running smooth. How much truth is behind it? You decide :D. I'm gonna buy me a Paysafe card now, just in the case...
  10. The empty tin cans could be used to build a tripwire, wich makes noise if you pass through it. It would give a good warning signal if some is too close to your fortification/camps.
  11. alphax

    DayZ 1.8 Feedback

    Since 1.8 i started playing DayZ again, its by far one of the best updates we've got out. It really got me back in playing it, also some friends restarted playing it, we have to learn some new stuff, but with the new GUI and the Crafting stuff, its just awesome. The only thing i don't like that much is the spawn-rate of some stuff, its still not tooooo much, but it could be less. For example: the sandbags, they're needed to put down the stashes, wich are awesome and a bit to easy to get, the needed sandbags spawn a bit to often for my taste, one NWA-Run and i got a big stash. (Either i'm lucky or they are supposed to spawn that much). With the E-Tool its the same, its need to make the stashes and i find it everywhere, probably more often than a toolbox. I think we should reduce the spawn rate of the sandbags, at least till they're needed for other stuff too. Currently i wish we get some nice house-building stuff like in Epoch or at least like in Origins, its awesome to have a "home", player could build some first past-apocalyptic villages it would be a great addition to the regular DayZ. :)
  12. alphax

    female character ?

    You can still choose between a male and female character at a new spawn. But you can't change the look/voice of the char.
  13. alphax

    Clothing: can someone fill me in?

    It's the new oldstyle bandit skin :D
  14. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    ok :) i won't believe anything till i see it :D sadly, i haven't found any 1.7.7 servers yet :D
  15. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    So they are in?
  16. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    So are our items in the new 1.7.7? haven't seen one yet :)
  17. alphax

    E3 and our attendance

    Well I'm an Alpha :) What is meant by an alpha in case of development is what you can read here, its probably too much to explain it good in my bad english, and also you get more information about the other stages in development http://en.wikipedia....ease_life_cycle In the SA there will be an "overhauled" Chernarus (new things to find and explore, some changes in towns etc. just search the forum here for more information, everything is said more than often enough :) ), later we may get a new map.
  18. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Hey, its ok if you don't have any time for it :). I think we have pushed a few models and many ideas. We can be happy about how far we came. And also, this is nothing that ends, we can pick up the work whenever we want. :)
  19. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    :D I'll see :P
  20. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Haha, we are defently still alive, and got many ideas, but atm not enough time :). This thread won't die. I am sure :) (got the Teddy-Bear model almost done :D)
  21. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    I'm currently also a bit busy, so I also can't do that much atm. But as you've once said, so far you already have enough 3d Models wich you can use, at least I hope so :D.
  22. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    I'm a bit busy atm, but at the weekend i could do it, together with the other models of the stuff i've planned :).
  23. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    I think its the right size :) Maybe a small bit bigger, but only a bit. And it looks awesome!
  24. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Gonna start my work for a few toys today, I'll also do the Mess Tins and the Juice cartons/juice boxes :) Currently planned for me is a Teddy, a old wooden train or something and a Doll.
  25. alphax

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    I actually thought of that, and i tried to get a good looking model, with very low face and vertex count. I agree with that thing of the textures, high resolution textures aren't needed. But i always try to use 1024x1024, at the end i can still scale it down if needed. And i think thats also something on what we should look for these models here, i don't know what Papa has used as texture resolution for his finished textures. But i think its also 1024x1024 as I did, and thats may to big. So we could scale them down. But for the "fancy-Item-image" a higher scaled texture is defently needed. (I mean only for making them) to get a nice looking item-image in the inventory. You can look at my 3d Models if you want, the round shaped ones do even have less faces than the normal Can o' Beans or Sodas in DayZ (the base mesh/circle). :) But they're still look nicely - at least i think so. Yes if you look very closely you'll see that they're very low detailed. But at least, you just go to them, scroll down or press G and just pick them up and eat them. So I totally agree with you :).