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About mannyfresh

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. mannyfresh

    Heli Crash

    Map helps out a lot. I definitely wouldn't call it useless.
  2. mannyfresh

    My Epic Kill

    Wow. Server hops, ghosts, and admits to it. That's all we should need for a permaban. I'm really unsure if troll or not, too. Sounds like the dude just doesn't have a clue about integrity.
  3. mannyfresh

    L85 back?

    Server mine were stored in just upgraded tonight. L85's were in our tents and equipable.
  4. mannyfresh


    LF2M Cherno Sewers! Need tank (minimum gearscore of 10000 please!) and DPS (preferably heavy machine gunner)! Know the fights!
  5. True story. I roll with a group of 3-5 people regularly. We're not out to make friends. We're out to ruin people's day. I'm usually a PVE carebear in the MMO's I play. DayZ is an entirely different beast.
  6. mannyfresh

    Spawning inland possible?

    Yes it is. It's just extremely rare. I wouldn't personally hit respawn over and over again on the off chance it would happen to me.
  7. mannyfresh

    Vehicles: Legal and Illegal.

    I can confirm this motorcycle is indeed in the game. Buddies of mine have come across two of them fresh at their spawns.
  8. mannyfresh

    Takes a lot to load

    Some servers are worse than others. I know the BRA servers always take me at the very least 5-10 mins to load. Other servers I can fully load into game in under 5. It variest drastically.
  9. As one of the people above me mentioned, when you first log on your location is displayed in the lower right. Try to get a general idea of where you are and follow a road to the nearest road sign. Also, a bus is going to be hard to maintain. It's really only worth driving around the coast picking people up/goofing around. Definitely don't bring that thing anywhere near your camp. Thing is an eye sore.
  10. mannyfresh

    This playerbase...

    Sounds like a very successful troll. Some people just get kicks out of annoying/pissing people off. Think of it like an actor who's character you really, really hate. You don't hate the actor personally, just the character he portrays.
  11. I quit feeling guilty after getting smacked around when i first started playing a month or so ago. I regularly camp Balota and kill unsuspecting noobs in the tower all the time now. I have no compassion. Kinda like a straight face orgasam.
  12. mannyfresh

    US74 - 1.7.2?

    He needs to get home right meow!
  13. mannyfresh

    Banned from Us107 LA1.

    Server admins = cops on a power trip in most cases. Just just adds more fuel to the fire.
  14. mannyfresh

    Dayz - US194 Admin Abuse

    Thanks for sharing. I'll be avoiding that server. Nothing like a bunch of disconnector/server restarters who probably bitch and moan when people do it to them. Pathetic.
  15. mannyfresh

    US74 - 1.7.2?

    Do you guys plan to upgrade to the new patch/beta? Thanks