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About KrAcKeRsTaXx

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. come join the Hell Hounds gamersplatoon ts3.gamersplatoon.com thats the team speak..hope to see yea soon
  2. come join the HELL HOUNDS team speak address is ts3.gamersplatoon.com and please sign up at gamersplatoon.com were always active and were good people to play with
  3. KrAcKeRsTaXx

    Looking for a group of people to play with!!

    come join gamersplatoon.com are team speak server is ts3.gamersplatoon.com then come join the HELL HOUNDS were always active...
  4. KrAcKeRsTaXx

    Isn't killing the only way to survive longer?

    what do you think? Kill or be Killed your choice..