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Posts posted by Wigglesdabum

  1. This game and all the recent changes in attempt to make it more realistic are driving people away. This game is failing so quickly due to the actions of a few basement dwelling individuals, I doubt exposed breast zombies could save it.

    A hatchet is different from an axe, and should be carried in your pack in 1 slot... (If you want me to go outside and get my real hatchet from the shed to show you I can slip it inside my belt or in a pocket I will show you basement dwellers what size it is. )

    You should start with a firearm, all of the military is dead which would be an amazing surplus of ammunition and arms. Also this area is a farming area and there would be a ton of hunting firearms be it shotguns or center fire rifles from farmers who use those weapons to gather game.

    Put back the skins for bandits... THIS IS A GAME... I know.. shocker basement dwellers. There are no facial expressions to tell someones intent. The heart beat doesn't work properly, and you should be able to tell from a distance if someones trying to do you harm.

    If you MUST have these horrible worthless changes to the game... then put them in the hardcore only servers. Repeal the changes for the rest of us.

    I got 4 people to play this game who never previously owned Arma2. All of them have quit because of the updates. Rocket and the folks responsible for the changes are making this horrible for new folks. Now... fan boys*.. rage away im not checking the thread for the following insults so dont waste your breath. Also.. go see the world... there is other things besides your computer in life.

  2. Hear me out...

    It's one of the most intriguing suggestions I've seen. I considered it right at the start of the project. With the new zombie line-of-sight calculations and the ability to loose them' date=' this might actually work


    - People spawning in can't quickly get into griefing

    - Recovering your old loot becomes difficult and risky

    - Add's a whole new element and gameplay at the start

    - Maybe adds some authenticity, who has a handgun at home?


    - It's [i']fucking annoying having to sneak and run around to find a gun (believe me, I just tried it)

    - You can spawn many times before you actually have a life that finds a weapon

    - Hackers, for the moment, will reveille in this change until their loopholes are closed

    In twenty words or less, formatted with YES or NO in caps the line above, say your thoughts on trying this out

    For the sake of efficiency, I will delete all posts that don't follow the above exactly, or don't add anything to the argument. It's not a poll, its a discussion. If you don't have anything to ADD then please don't post.


    RETARDED AS #@$&%(, also is not placing bandit skins in the game. And half of American's owns firearms. Statistics use'um.

    Patches like this are driving people away from the game.

    Also HATCHETS are different from a full sized AXE... hatchets were made to be carried and packed away... It shouldn't replace a main firearm.
