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Everything posted by Lukezke

  1. Okay guys. You're probably thinking "Oh, another one of those threads." and then you'll give me the same answers I've found on every other thread I've found. I'm not even sure how much this'll be able to help me. I've tried everything I've found in other forums and threads to try and fix this. Here's what I've tried so far: I've changed my encapsulation to LLC. I've updated to the latest beta update. (100697) I've updated BattlEye through Steam. I've updated BattlEye manually. I've tried multiple builds of ARMA2, including 100296 and whatever build a server is. I've tried multiple builds of DayZ, again being whatever version the server is. (Although I get kicked no matter which version I'm running anyway.) I usually wait for the GUID to show up in the chat before joining a server, but still get kicked. I downloaded a Microsoft Hotfix. Didn't fix anything. As of right now, there are two servers I can join. One is a Lingor Island server that's been abandoned and whenever I spawn I get teleported to the North Western island (which means a long ass swim for me). The other is a Taviana server, and we all know that that isn't exactly the most fun map. There was a Chernarus server I could play on but I've been getting the 'You cannot play/edit this mission' error on that server now. I know that problem is server side because I joined a different Chernarus server and I could play for 10 minutes before getting kicked. I suppose you'll want some information on my PC as well. Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 i7-3770k CPU @ 3.50GHz 3.50GHz 8GBs RAM 64bit Windows 7 Ultimate Edition I don't think the rest matters too much. As for my Internet, it's pretty slow. 800kb/s usually. I've been changing my Internet settings though. I changed a setting in the router that gives me a much more stable connection that also sacrifices some speed so I'm getting about 450kb/s. Truth be told, I get kicked either way. Can someone shed some light on the situation? I just want to be able to play.
  2. Lukezke

    Battleye Error? *With pictures!*

    I don't see any problems with this. I'm not sure why you can't join, but it's probably nothing to do with the GUID message. You're supposed to see it.
  3. TL;DR Right buttons do wrong things. Alright, might as well get a few things out of the way. First off I'm not experiencing this problem. This is for a friend. We're both new players to DayZ and ARMA, When we first joined a server, I asked him how to sprint. He told me that he could sprint by holding in the RMB. I thought that was weird because I hit W twice and that was the only way I could sprint. Well, I had a lot of issues with DayZ servers, mostly the BattlEye not responding error and I'd get kicked. After I found a server I could actually play, I'd played for a few hours and gotten pretty familiar with the controls. When I told him we could actually play together now we joined a server. He found a gun and aggro'd a zombie and he was asking me how to aim down the sight and stuff like that. Naturally, I told him it was click the RMB to ADS and LMB to shoot. He did exactly what I said, but instead of aiming down the sight he was throwing grenades. I'm figuring this is because his controls are weird and RMB was change firerate, which switched him to a grenade. I told him to reset the controls to default but it didn't help and his controls are still all wrong. Does anyone know why this is happening? Sorry if there's a really simple answer. I'm very new to the game. I've checked for different control schemes in the options but couldn't find anything.
  4. Lukezke

    Controls Are Wrong

    After he threw the grenades I told him to press F to switch back to his gun. He pressed it and it didn't do anything and he threw more grenades. The zombies caught him and killed him. I'll get him to try this. Thanks for the info.