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About e_swamp@hotmail.com

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    On the Coast
  1. e_swamp@hotmail.com

    Combined Operations a tenner at Gamefly

    u are 2 hours late XD http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/122120-arma-ii-co-on-sale/
  2. e_swamp@hotmail.com

    Arma II CO on sale-

    Here is the chance to get ur friends in to the game to Arma II CO 9,99 £ http://www.gamefly.co.uk/Download-ArmA-II-Combined-Operations/5004521/
  3. e_swamp@hotmail.com

    Some ideas for SA

    the silencer would be good if the Z stand in the door way and u need to take him/her out with out have the city hears it
  4. e_swamp@hotmail.com

    Some ideas for SA

    Hey. i have some ideas for the SA since it less military grade weapons and more civi weapons Ideas for silencer: Old car/truck oil filter silencer: The one time use silencer ( not as silenced as oilfilter): Shells for the shotguns. u can put many diffrent thing in the shells some do more DMG the others Like taking apart a ballbarings or fire a battery. i think of it as a emergency solution when u are out of normal ammo alot of wierd ammo here: Hope you like the ideas
  5. http://www.gog.com/gamecard/arma_2_combined_operations 19 pund
  6. e_swamp@hotmail.com

    Say no to discrimination

    It have nothing to do with racism. i think the reason is. the russians and the germans. talk there own language in global chat and VOIP. it happens in all online games