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Everything posted by joeyslucky22

  1. joeyslucky22

    DayZ Menu and Gameplay Concepts

    Joe Whore checking in. Thanks for the compliments guys! I just got really bored over the weekend again and thought I'd have some fun with more DayZ concepts but this time in after effects! I should really come to these forums more often as I did help build and design this place back in the mod days... (edit: digging the new header!) Thanks for posting this DMentMan!
  2. So I started working on a bunch of 3D models of foods and smaller items after Dean had asked the community for some. I currently have about 50 models done and 10 textures and I really would love your guys' feedback on this before I continue. Here's one of the models I'm close to finishing (ignore the obvious double pop top): I'm thinking of making 6 different quality conditions for each of the food items I'm working on 2 different models showing the item sealed / opened 3 textures of quality (Clean / Dusty / Rusted) Clean - Safe to eat Dusty - Low chance of illness after consuming Rusted - High chance of illness after consuming I'm thinking the "dusty" quality items would be most common while the "clean" version of an item would be a rare find. Now I know Tin/Aluminum doesn't rust but.. Dammit if it doesn't look cool! I'm not sure what we could do with opened items (be it a can, bag, etc..) Maybe a higher chance of illness / lower amount of hunger restored when consumed? Maybe other players can contaminate "opened" food with poison, pills, their own illness, etc, and leave it for another player to find? Bonus "twinkie": Some canned food (completely made from scratch): also have different qualities: as per requested: Here are some soda cans: A few bottles & containers: Candy! Sulahoops: Beer Bottles: (Snoww made an advertisement! Awesome!) Vodka!: 3/29/13 - Some new melee weapons / tools The Shovel Lug Wrench (Tire Iron) Maybe have melee weapons turn bloody after killing a player with it? Only the rough base model of the baseball bat. Finishing the "nailed bat" and "barbed wire bat" this weekend 2/20/13 - Finally got them working in-game! It's only a matter of time now...: I should have fixed my graphics settings before taking these (everything is on low) so I do apologize for that. These should give you some idea of the in-game look at least. Here is the normal (bottom left), nailed (top), and barbed wired (bottom right). I had some alpha issues but hopefully I'll be able to figure it out soon. But if anyone knows how to deal with the "ghost outlines" in arma 2 alpha textures, give me a holler! :) After I finish the admin food drive, I'll be texturing some "household" melee weapons and working on more interesting trash items like old stuffed animals, soggy boxes, crusty socks, etc., so we're not just finding empty cans all over the place. Thanks for all the support and feedback guys! I can't wait to share this loot with all of you :) old news: The result: I only have the one can at the moment but man... does it feel good having finally figured it out :)
  3. joeyslucky22

    1.7.7 weird things..

    Protip: Zeds are not your friends. Stay away from them, keep quiet and plan your looting routes accordingly.
  4. joeyslucky22

    1.7.7 - Rolling Changelog

    And just a heads up, here's the message we received from Matt today (sunday): Hopefully Jan will pull through and get our steam release in time...
  5. As of 2/6/2012: New concept design! Kept the window based inventory, used a more "Space Station 13" inspired design and fits a 1024 x 768 resolution imgur gallery Opened your Backpack Opened all clothing items Crafting Examining an item Checking out a body Thoughts! As of 1/20/2012: Here's a really shitty, buggy flash version of the interface that I will be updating as I go: So feel free to mess around with it and give me some delicious feedback http://joeflashedme..../dayzUIas2.html (give it a moment to load, didn't make a proper loader) Press "G" to access the gear menu, open the gear tab and mess around with it. You can press "R" to rotate the knife You can right click and open the backpack Checking your gear: While looting a corpse: Some constructive feedback from you all would be greatly appreciated! Q & A: It's not actually a button, it's just a tool tip. My thoughts on this were it would show up while dragging an oddly shaped item around, such as a hatchet, so that you could better position the item on your person (see how the hatchet fits on the player's belt in the second image) I'm not sure I see the problem? You could either drag an item into the "on the ground" area (the green box in the center) or outside of the opened backpack (the black area) and place the item on your body that way? Some users have suggested easier ways of identifying people in your party (via armbands). Colored or customized armbands, legbands, etc. would be a great way to help identify other players in your group. The alice pack has three smaller front pouches. So I broke off three smaller sections to represent them. I'm unfamiliar with the way STALKER does their inventory but the available backpack spaces layout would be unique to each backpack. It'll eventually be used to initiate a trade. Basically how it'll work is: - You'll drag any items you have on your character into the trade area - Those items will then be highlighted in blue in your gear menu - To allow the other player to grab an item from your person, you'll hit the blue trade button (toggling trade)
  6. Well, at the very least I hope other community efforts (as well as my own attempt) on making the UI look pretty have inspired some 'functionality' decisions.
  7. :( I'd like to see this "artwork"
  8. joeyslucky22

    1.7.7 - Rolling Changelog

    I've been posting this in too many random places so here it is: A quickie update regarding the current status 1.7.7 for anyone who is curious: - We were told to wait for Dean to return before releasing any patches (unfortunately that was a 2 month wait) - In that time, the team decided to work on additional stuff to make up for the time we all had to wait - In the current 1.7.7 build, zeds got a bit fubared and the few active coders we have are working on fixing that asap. - ziellos2k and I are currently working on finishing up some new changes to the blood UI icon and that should be finished very soon. - After zeds are fixed (or before) we'll then have to wait for Dean to review the list of changes and approve / scrap anything we've added or changed. With SA alpha testing and E3 coming up, I have a feeling this may take even more time unless Dean can free up a few minutes to review the new change log.
  9. joeyslucky22

    When the hell is 1.7.7?

    Link for anyone still wondering http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/132982-new-patch-coming-soon-to-dayz/page__st__520#entry1343207
  10. joeyslucky22

    We Need That Update.

    Yeah, that stuff got scrapped. No way should players be able to 'craft' their own silencers / scopes.
  11. joeyslucky22

    We Need That Update.

    Regarding 1.7.7: - We were told to wait for Dean to return before releasing any patches (unfortunately that was a 2 month wait) - In that time, the team decided to work on additional stuff to make up for the time we all had to wait - In the current 1.7.7 build, zeds got a bit fubared and the few active coders we have are working on fixing that asap. - Marcel and I are working on finishing up some new changes to the blood UI icon and that should be finished very soon. - After zeds are fixed (or before) we'll then have to wait for Dean to review the list of changes and approve / scrap anything we've added or changed. With SA alpha testing and E3 coming up, I have a feeling this may take even more time unless Dean can free up a few minutes to review the new change log.
  12. joeyslucky22

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    I think your assumption is dead-on. It was a more recent addition to the upcoming patch. I'd suggest having this new outdoor loot on a custom table. There's probably some stuff, when left outdoors, you wouldn't find in very good condition :P Edit: From another post of mine in the suggestion forum: A quickie update regarding 1.7.7 for anyone who's curious: - We were told to wait for Dean to return before releasing any patches (unfortunately that was a 2 month wait) - In that time, the team decided to work on additional stuff to make up for the time we all had to wait - In the current 1.7.7 build, zeds got a bit fubared and the few active coders we have are working on fixing that asap. - Marcel and I are working on finishing up some new changes to the blood UI icon and that should be finished very soon. - After zeds are fixed (or before) we'll then have to wait for Dean to review the list of changes and approve / scrap anything we've added or changed. With SA alpha testing and E3 coming up, I have a feeling this may take even more time unless Dean can free up a few minutes to review the new change log.
  13. joeyslucky22

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    The buildings will still be non-enterable but loot can now be found outside and around these buildings.
  14. joeyslucky22

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    Woah, thanks guys! Glad you're all diggin' my new journal / crafing design so far! It's still being developed but Horde and I are planning to get this baby up and running by the next release (not this upcoming monster release, unfortunately). I made the call to pull the current crafting system as I thought requiring players to first find "blueprints" to craft anything just didn't feel right. This new method should allow for some more 'creativity'. For the upcoming release, the stats box will still be replaced with this journal system though so look forward to that! Here is the full gallery of concept images: http://imgur.com/a/c5Zj6#0
  15. joeyslucky22

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Nope. The A2 engine scales textures in real-time.
  16. joeyslucky22

    Oculus Rift support for stand alone DayZ

    For the full ARMA 3 / DayZ immersion experience:
  17. joeyslucky22

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    I think these are it http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/21465-new-zombie-textures/
  18. joeyslucky22

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    Affected addons: * dayz_anim * dayz_code * dayz_communityassets * dayz_sfx * dayz_server (server admins only) * Mission (server admins only) (Prerequisites) * SQL Files (server admins only) Community Notes: * DayZ 1.7.7 Changes: * [Prerequisites] New mission file downloaded from (http://www.silentspy.net/utility/dayz/mission-generator/) * [Prerequisites] BattlEye filters must be updated manually by server admins. * [NEW] - Removed annoying "re-arm" option from actions menu * [NEW] - Models and textures for mutton. * [NEW] - Separate meat for goats, same blood regen as mutton. * [NEW] - Can now combine magazines. * [NEW] - Added new loot & table for church. * [NEW] - Added new food and drink items (only found in supermarkets). * [NEW] - Added model for a dropped map and watch. * [NEW] - Weapon MakarovSD (Military, Military Special). * [NEW] - Weapon RPK_74 (Mi8 Helicrash). * [NEW] - Vehicle Damage in Percent (With a Toolbox). * [NEW] - 5L Fuel can takes 1 inv slot. * [NEW] - Bigger Compass (You can see the number of degrees). * [NEW] - Added auth retry system to make sure clients are auth'ed before they spawn (should stop seagull issue). * [NEW] - Added force end mission for players joining with wrong version/failed auth. (Will replace timeout later). * [NEW] - Mi8 Crash site model. * [NEW] - 3 New decayed Zeds - harder to kill (WIP). * [NEW] - Added optional watermark for servername (server admins only). * [NEW] - "Sleep" at tents changed to "Rest". (WIP) * [NEW] - Remote exec security. Should prevent all major RE exploits * [NEW] - Clear Ground around crash sites have now been disabled by default, server admins can enable. (http://i.imgur.com/uVDfGym.jpg) * [NEW] - Vehicles and tents now report free gear slots. Example: Old Camping Tent (weapons/others/backpacks). http://ziellos2k.net/images/20130417141327522.png * [NEW] - Weapons spawns now have a chance to spawn with 0 mags up to a max of 3. * [NEW] - Melee weapons can now be dropped and picked up using the normal a2 system. (This means you can now store in backpack and tents, without swapping to toolbelt) * [NEW] - New starting gear added. ("Makarov","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov","ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller","HandRoadFlare"). * [NEW] - Servers date have been locked to give full moon nights. * [FIXED] - Vehicle repair should now always work correctly. * [FIXED] - M107 & AS50 Lock on system removed. (Removes green boxes) * [FIXED] - Humanity skin change can now change during gameplay in all directions. (No longer have to die to change from hero to normal to bandit and vice versa) * [FIXED] - StudyBody should now work. (Describing wounds accurately) * [FIXED] - Crashsite loot should now spawn correct for all types of Crash model. * [FIXED] - Hero Skin teleport issue. * [FIXED] - BAF Bags so they don't set on fire. :-) (no moaning it was a bug) * [FIXED] - Updated timeout timer from 40 secs to 60 secs, Should allow lower end systems to keep up. (Something went wrong, please disconnect and try again!) * [FIXED] - Zeds spawning underground. * [FIXED] - Loot spawning underground. * [FIXED] - Melee weapons having no ammo on login/skin change. * [FIXED] - Loot Spawns have now been fully resolved. Buildings are now tagged and will not spawn any new loot for 10 minutes. * [FIXED] - Loot Cleanup has now been fully resolved. Old loot piles will now be cleaned every 15 minutes and no players within 250 meters(WIP). (Server performance boost) * [FIXED] - Gear menu exploit to force respawn. * [FIXED] - Optimized some destruction effects for security and performance. * [FIXED] - Unconscious damage scale to only happen if hit by zeds. * [uPDATED] - Reset action alert of zeds, Zeds hearing from actions is now reset back to - M107_DZ Zed pull range 450 meters (Max sight/hearing from movement forced to 80 meters) * [uPDATED] - Updated rabbit to drop 2 raw food items. Lowered hp gain to Raw - 200 each / Cooked - 800 each. * [uPDATED] - Moved anti teleport system to mission. Server admins can choose to enable/disable. (See prerequisites) * [uPDATED] - M107 lowered chance in loot tables. * [uPDATED] - AS50 lowered chance in loot tables. * [uPDTAED] - ALL loot table weights have been updated. * [uPDTAED] - ALL loot table weights have been rebalanced. * [uPDATED] - Updated Czech, German, Spanish, French and Russian stringtable. * [uPDATED] - Mac and 1911 Pistol dmg updated. * [uPDATED] - CrashSite Loot should now represent each type of model more. (("MilitaryWEST","HeliCrashWEST") Two new crash site loot tables) * [uPDATED] - Zed spawn timer from 2 minutes to 5 minutes. This should allow an area to be cleared of zeds before more spawn. * [uPDATED] - Re-added the "save" option to tents and vehicles. This is a fail-safe option, not required. (Due to a small amount of servers reporting issues with tents saving. With no info for us to recreate we re-added this option to save tents/vehicles) * [uPDATED] - Zed generate system. Should stop zeds spawning in view of players then being deleted. * [uPDATED] - Zeds overall dmg has been updated per hit/per zed (Old Type: Max possible dmg = body 600, Legs 100, Hands 50, Head 1200 New Type: Body 1200, Head 2400) * [uPDATED] - Bleed from zed attacks will now only happen if the initial dmg is above 0.7 or the zed gives a head shot. (should reduce the amount of bandages needed) * [uPDATED] - Zeds knocking players unconscious now has a 50/50 chance if dmg multiplier is above > 0.8 * [uPDATED] - When unconscious all dmg is lowed to 50 blood for each hit zeds do no matter the part they hit. (Should allow some survivability) * [uPDATED] - Zeds sight and sound chance has been re-added so there is a chance they can ignore you. * [uPDATED] - Sight and sound rebalanced to make them a little more even from movement. * [uPDATED] - Call extension calls for vehicle dmg. * [uPDATED] - Zeds will no longer spawn for air vehicles. * [uPDATED] - Hunters loot table adjusted with more weapons. * [uPDATED] - SQL files working on Linux. * [uPDATED] - Add crawl animation damage. Players will now take dmg from crawling zeds. * [uPDATED] - Updated zed speed to default. * [uPDATED] - Melee systems updated. * [uPDATED] - Old Bandit skin for male chars. * [uPDATED] - Lowered action sound for refuel from 10 meters to 5. * [uPDATED] - Lowered Direct comms action sound. * [uPDATED] - Vehicle damage syncs updated to reduce call extension spam. * [uPDATED] - Lowered Transfusion infection rate. * [uPDATED] - Quiver acts as a quiver, you now have to take an arrow out of the quiver. * [uPDATED] - You can now only have 1 quiver in your main inventory. * [uPDATED] - Melee range has been updated. * [REMOVED] - Wild spawning zeds. (Zeds spawning in forest areas will be added next patch) * [REMOVED] - Zeds can now push players to the ground when attacked from behind. Leviski, would you mind if I edited your first post to include this list?
  19. joeyslucky22

    [3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

    I think it should be the only way to aquire the nailed / barbed wire versions. The ordinary baseball bat would take 1 - 3 hits to kill while the barbed & nailed would be instant kills (on zombies that is, just increased damage to other players)
  20. joeyslucky22

    [3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

    Quick update, I should have fixed my graphics settings before taking these (everything is on low) so I do apologize for that. These should give you some idea of the in-game look at least. Here is the normal (bottom left), nailed (top), and barbed wired (bottom right). Had some alpha issues but hopefully I'll be able to figure it out soon. But if anyone knows how to deal with the "ghost outlines" in arma 2 alpha textures, give me a holler! :)
  21. joeyslucky22

    [3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

    Mint covered in deep, deep, deep dark chocolate. I've been hard at work with new models (weapons, foods, tools, etc) Nothing too special to show at the moment The Shovel Lug Wrench (Tire Iron) Maybe have melee weapons turn bloody after killing a player with it? Only the rough base model of the baseball bat. Finishing the "nailed bat" and "barbed wire bat" this weekend sorry for the small image! I'll try and upload some better ones over the weekend
  22. joeyslucky22

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    I really aught to be clarifying the misinformation in the forums and on Reddit but all day I've been... flabbergasted, really. In hindsight I should have put more effort into the change log description as most people had thought the full name would be displayed on the gear menu (It was for a few sodas but that's been fixed). I feel terrible that this issue has overshadowed all the other hard work the guys put into the patch. For now, I'll continue to finish the remaining models and textures of the forum moderators and will finish it there.
  23. joeyslucky22

    [3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

    Ah yes, you're right there are a few others I can fix as well. The examples given above however only say "muffins" & "soup". I will limit names to the item description.
  24. joeyslucky22

    [3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

    That's exactly how they are now?
  25. joeyslucky22

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    I do appreciate the feedback from you guys. Sorry it offended so many of you. Feel free to address your concerns & suggestions in my thread with the new food models. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/121763-3d-model-different-food-qualities-215-update/