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Everything posted by jaxx0rr

  1. jaxx0rr

    We need Objectives....

    are u fuking kidding me?? if u wanna kill noobs go play arma 2.. dayz is a mod for arma 2 .. and we need a coop mod for dayz with pve objectives.. some zombie bosses that drop loot or even a questline..
  2. I have this idea You have X playable maps so why not make it like in one of frankies videos so that you can travel across them with a plane or some portal like minecraft. So lets say I start a private server just with some friends no pvp and I want a goal .. lets say repair a plane that has differents parts (marked) all over the map maybe with objectives (left 4 dead style) you fix the plane and get to the second map and so on.. And if you die in the second map you spawn in the first.. ( this might be hardcore I know :) and also not possible because you can only have one map up at a time..) Also each map has its own dificulty, harder every time.. And on the final map maybe a mission where theres the source for the plague.. and maybe a bossfight.. Thanks