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Everything posted by albinorhino

  1. albinorhino

    Am i a bad person for this or just a smart survivor?

    You upload your content to youtube, thus are a youtuber. Thats like saying "I post blogs but I'm not a blogger!". Idiot.
  2. albinorhino


    But how would you get it to work? Its not like there is any electricity turned on anywhere on the map, and if it was steam powered then where would you find the coal and water? Salt water would ruin the train as all the sodium would cake up and clog the insides. And it would take a LOT of canteens to fill it up ;) While it sounds like a fun idea (hell, being able to shoot from trains would be fun) I just don't see it being practical :(
  3. albinorhino

    Am i a bad person for this or just a smart survivor?

    You post a link to a video where nothing happens for the entirety then you act like a total bell end at the end then start getting all pissy when people comment on this. A youtuber should learn to take criticism well and adapt their videos around what people like and don't like. Also your attitude in this thread was enough for me to unsubscribe from you.
  4. albinorhino

    Script kiddies...

    Last person I met who cheated online ended up having his hand smashed with a hammer. Just saying....
  5. albinorhino

    Am i a bad person for this or just a smart survivor?

    Nothing new there. Lie to someone then shoot them.
  6. albinorhino

    [Video] Pussy bandit (my first journey to the barracks)

    If you don't want to be shot then stay away from the north of the map. Everything past Stary Sobor is like the wild west.
  7. albinorhino

    Crazy axe lady. Funny!

    And THAT ladies, is why you should never leave the kitchen!
  8. Good morning / afternoon / evening ladies and gentlement. My name is Unholy_Kyono and today I would like to discuss with you all the proper manners required for when you scavenge loot piles. 1: When looting a loot pile, please be sure to take everything in the pile. Even if you only plan on taking a Lee Enfield mag from a pile that contains said mag and three empty tins. Drop the tins a short distance away need be so that a fresh loot spawn may appear. 2: If you come across a loot pile that contains nothing you need then please, don't take from it as you will only leave behind a loot pile full of worthless offerings that nobody will take, thus leaving every pile full of rubbish that nobody wants. 3: If you enter a building and find that someone before you has ignored rules 1 and 2 and there are loot piles consisting of nothing but empty tin cans and glow sticks / road flares about, be a good sport and tidy up. A little spring clean here and there may result in your helping hand saving someones life in the future. That is all.
  9. albinorhino

    Mini series "Random way to ruin your day"

    I'm up to part 10 and am currently working on part 11 with a bit more dedication to it than all of my other videos. Audio testing (the voice you hear is through the ingame voip). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ts9rZHfN-s4
  10. albinorhino

    A lesson on loot pile manners.

    Not a problem. You can break peoples legs with tin cans ;)
  11. albinorhino

    Was fun while it lasted! It will make you laugh!

    The axe. Truly the most powerful weapon man has ever created. "I am axe man, and this is my axe! It fires $200 custom built axe heads at 10,000 heads per minute! It costs $400,000 to fire my axe for 12 seconds!"
  12. albinorhino

    This is some funny stuff.....one word Elecktro!

    Made me grin. Would have been better if you had double tapped caps lock though so he could hear EVERYTHING you were saying ;) :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: / :beans: tins.
  13. I ran at a sniper on that same hill just the other day with nothing but an axe and me screaming like a crazed suicide bomber. He Alt F4'd before I'd gone twenty meters....
  14. albinorhino

    Great deathmatch / team deathmatch mod !

    First post whiner. Also you were typing. Buy a mic you tight git.
  15. Took you both down with a revolver then hid your bodies and your rifles after taking your coyote backpack. So thanks to you two being complete retards trying to kill fresh spawns I am now fully geared for the north. Thank you.
  16. albinorhino

    Operation: Father Grigori.

    In reference to the weird lighting after loading to Youtube. Youtube often asks me if I want to turn up the lighting in my videos as they're "pretty dark". If it asks you the same thing then just click no. Do the same if it says your video is shaky etc.
  17. albinorhino

    [VIDEO] This is DayZ - Episode 10 "Devil's Castle"

    Love the series Squirrel. Possibly the best Day Z series on youtube :)
  18. albinorhino

    Trolling in Day Z with Saxton Hale.

    Robot soldier versus Herbert the pervert. Classic! :lol:
  19. It took me over a week to get five minutes of footage of people actually responding. (A week being about two to three hours of gameplay). Of the thirty or so people I tried this on, only three didn't shoot me, run away from me or log out straight away. EDIT: Also I apologise for the delay in responses on the third guy, kind of hard to keep an eye on someone and use a touch pad on a netbook! :(
  20. albinorhino

    [Video] Random Wayz part 10 - John Kimble plays Day Z

    People are idiots :)
  21. albinorhino

    [Video] Random Wayz part 10 - John Kimble plays Day Z

    If I could sound like Arnie then I would have no need for a soundboard :P
  22. albinorhino

    DayZ: Zombie Travel Simulator?

    Traveling isn't mind numbing. It's tense. You never know when some bush wookie on a hill is going to open fire on you...
  23. albinorhino

    I get mugged!

    Now if only more bandits went round holding people up like that. Its what I do. Order them to comply or die. Most of the time they just Alt + F4 :(
  24. albinorhino

    Most intense firefight of my life

    Dude needs to chill out! Ah god I laughed hard through that. Good job man :)
  25. This is in no way meant to degrade the fine names of many of the Day Z live streamers who go out of their daily routines to bring us entertaining streams of Day Z, but is aimed squarely at those guys who do nothing but sit in buildings or on roof tops for hours at a time and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Part 2