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Everything posted by albinorhino

  1. albinorhino

    What to do on skalisty island?

    Apparently not. There was a secret Umbrella research station there but alas, Chris Redfield had to go stick his nose in and now the whole world is full of zed heads...
  2. albinorhino

    NVG's Don't work with M24?

    Jesus, you would be able to see two solar systems over. But what happens if you look through a rifle scope looking through binocs looking through a rifle scope?
  3. albinorhino

    Best DayZ YouTubers

    OshiSeven. Sacriel42. DaSquirrelNuts. Robbaz. AxeManAndy when he livestreams with the others. Me? :P
  4. albinorhino

    Was fun while it lasted.

    Says goodbye. Sticks around to see the response to his rage thread.
  5. albinorhino

    i need meds

    Respawn. Simple.
  6. albinorhino


    First of all they're not hackers. These script kiddies would not have the slightest clue as to how to actually hack into something. They're cheaters using cheats. Also, punctuation is your friend.
  7. albinorhino

    Was fun while it lasted.

    Blames the game for socially inept retards who have to cheat to boost their egos. Made me laugh.
  8. Because as far as I can tell the cheating problem is just getting worse. Encountered several cheaters last night and my first game just now I'm instantly killing upon spawn by some retard cheater warping to every fresh spawn on the beach and blowing them away with hacked in weapons. Tried joining another server after THAT and all I could hear was explosions all around. I've encountered a few god mode players riding around in invincible Urals, I've encountered faggots sitting in hills overlooking Cherno and Elektro with hacked in sniper rifles with thermo on them. I've encountered attack helicopters and even a bloody tank in the past few days. Its getting out of hand yet nothing seems to be happening about it.
  9. Thanks for the responses. Feel a little better now ;)
  10. albinorhino


    No official response? Shame. All this evidence and nothing seems to be happening about it.
  11. albinorhino

    Balota suprise.

    Green Mountain is a general hot spot for PvP action. Its like a mini north as people usually pass through there looting the deer stands and such on their way north. I always pass by it a little way to the east at Pogorevka and usually always hear gunshots coming from it when passing by.
  12. albinorhino

    Balota suprise.

    Your responses to your story are full of contradictions. Scumbag squad killing fresh spawns.
  13. albinorhino

    Please Help!

    Why are you on the coast if you have a DMR and Fal?
  14. albinorhino

    passing out everytime i log in

    Don't log out while in shock then (you said a friend shot you three times). Then you won't log in passed out from shock.
  15. albinorhino

    Balota suprise.

    You were fully geared out yet were at Balota airstrip meaning you would have had to have come from a dozen or so kilometers up north. You would have passed through many towns that would have had viable sources of food and would have passed a fair few deer stands that would have contained more than enough ammo for you. You could have also visited the tents at Stary Sobor for ammo. So I'm wrong? No. You were only there with the intention of harassing fresh spawns with nothing to their names except for low grade weapons. Scumbag squad too afraid to loot the NWAF incase they come across better geared squads.
  16. albinorhino


    "Bus full of easy targets singing "ass and titties"". That just made my day! :D
  17. albinorhino

    Happy to die?

    You were happy as you realised upon death that you no longer had to worry about losing all that gear. When you were alive you were probably attached to it. I get the same feeling most of the time upon death as starting out as a fresh spawn feels pretty damn good (when your not being killed by fully decked out faggots camping tree lines at the shore for fresh spawns to kill).
  18. albinorhino

    Balota suprise.

    Fully decked out players camping Balota for fresh spawns. No beans for you. If it had been a story about Green Mountain, Stary or the NW airfield then I would have been impressed.
  19. albinorhino


    All the shit went down just after I logged off it seems. An utter disgrace that these cheating wankers actually had to shut down the server to prevent one of their own from dying. Spawning in vehicles, Alt F4ing and shutting off the server to prevent item loss are enough to get this server taken down for good. And there is PLENTY of video proof to back all the claims as well as the testimonies of 800+ viewers of the stream last night.
  20. So, after prolonged experiences of being killed for no reason other than I'll be another notch on someones weapon I decided to fight back vigilante style. Mini series of videos roughly a minute or so long. Maybe montages of me trying to mug people with flashlights etc if it proves popular enough. Needless to say though I thoroughly ruined this guys day. Episode 1 - Hatchet mugging. Part 11 - Duke Nukem edition.
  21. albinorhino

    Mini series "Random way to ruin your day"

    Part 11 is now up (though I feel ashamed of it as I rushed it).
  22. I've been shot dead so many times as a fresh spawn that I no longer care. If someone I don't know comes near me then I simply blow them away. Though I don't shout "I GOT HIM!" in triumph. Just tilt my head at my victims run of bad luck. But heres something I want to get off my chest. WILL ALL YOU FUCKERS IN ELEKTRO WITH JUST A MAKAROV ANSWER MY BLOODY SOUNDBOARDS INSTEAD OF TRYING TO SHOOT ME WITH YOUR BB GUN!!!
  23. Another QQ thread it seems. Please click the first link in my signature *points down*
  24. albinorhino

    Kamikaze Gone Wrong! Funny!

    Ah god that was hilarious. Enough for me to subscribe! You can have 5/5 tins for that :) :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: