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Everything posted by albinorhino

  1. albinorhino

    Poor Michael

    Pretty damn sure I heard a Scouser in there. What with the way "fucking" comes out as "Fu*phlem*king" ;)
  2. albinorhino

    Poor Michael

    SCOUSER! Automatic thumbs up!
  3. so...the guy who did that is a dog fucking nazi with a small dick? Or is he a small dick that likes to fuck nazi dogs? I'm so confused....
  4. Not put one of these up for a week or two due to being on holiday. Recorded this random clip earlier so decided to make it part 12. The little cunt shot at me with a Makarov when I was CLEARLY going to leave him alone! EDIT: Yes I'm a Windows Movie Maker user. I'm "pro" at it. And I forgot to edit the credits. I HATE rolling credits!
  5. albinorhino

    [Video] Random Wayz part 12 - Makarov Sniper hero...

    The cheek of him. There I was, merrily walking through the woods when I'm attacked! He ruined my frolic!
  6. Haha, but no. I don't bother people and tend to skirt around areas that have people in them in order to avoid them. Yet every time I DO bump into someone they just blow me away without ever giving a warning.
  7. albinorhino

    Medics needed

    Tried to be a medic earlier. Healed someone up at Stary Sobor. Received a bullet in the neck as compensation. Society can bite my shiny metal ass.
  8. I took my beans back.
  9. albinorhino

    Ban some bandits.

    *points at the first link in his description*
  10. This. Every person I have encountered over the past few weeks has always shot first. Its this mentality that ruins the mod as there is little to no chance of ever making friends with randoms. Six times today I've been killed as a fresh spawn on the beach with nothing but the basic supplies...
  11. Was just looting the military tents at Stary Sobor when I looked up on the hill to check for snipers. Instantly spot someone literally flying across the hillside at 100 miles an hour but he dissapears over in the direction of the NWAF. I put it down to a bug of some kind and went about my merry way. Crawled into the middle of the tent line looking towards Stary when I see it again, this time flying in front of me from the hillside and through the opposite side of the tents. I hear two gunshots from Stary Sobor and next thing I know I see this guy again as he appears right beside me aiming directly at my head. Shouts (in an American accent might I add) "Get the fuck off this game. Were hacking it to fuck!" and then kills me and instantly dissapears again. Server: UK6 Time: Roughly 2pm GMT.
  12. Your first mistake was to become attatched to your gear. Just do yourself a favour and hit respawn.
  13. Charger zombie. Came over from Left 4 Dead 2 as nobody plays it anymore ;)
  14. You sir get my beans for using "cuntwaffles" in a sentence.
  15. albinorhino

    NVG's Don't work with M24?

    My mind, she is blown!
  16. albinorhino

    Killed 7 people today, and wounded 4, no DCs

    French server. The reason they never disconnected is because they were all too busy mashing the surrender key.
  17. albinorhino


    You never read the topic thoroughly it seems. Oh and look at his next post. Case closed.
  18. albinorhino


    Yes you will. It may be two to three months down the line but you will. But go ahead, then you can come cry on the forums with the other cheaters claiming it was a false ban and that you have never spawned in items before in your life.
  19. albinorhino

    Hackers spawning bot "survivors"

    Fixed that for you.
  20. albinorhino

    Hackers spawning bot "survivors"

    I dunno, being gunned down by an army of AI sex bots sounds rather kinky...
  21. albinorhino

    Hackers spawning bot "survivors"

    To quote the age old internet rule.
  22. albinorhino


    Just another case of someone becoming too attatched to their gear.
  23. albinorhino

    What to do on skalisty island?

    I shall go investigate!
  24. I came in here expecting a thread dedicated to the art of hatchet killings. All I find was some guy complaining. Dissapointed.