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Everything posted by albinorhino

  1. albinorhino

    Broken Bones And No Morphine

    Don't make broken bones repair after a few minutes. Make it like an hour or two. 1: Combine wood with bandages to make splints. Allows the user to walk or crouch run. Unable to sprint. 2: Leg will heal over a couple of hours. 3: Morphine and pain killers when used with a splint will provide a momentary respite from the pain allowing the user to sprint. 4: Let us make wooden wheelchairs so people can hate us for rollin'. EDIT: How Day Z plays out with a broken leg.
  2. albinorhino

    My char needs the bathroom...

    Oh yes, swimming in the ponds etc with a load of crap in your shorts. Pollute the water thus causing infections to anyone who drinks / swims in it ;)
  3. albinorhino

    My char needs the bathroom...

    Can I still vote yes? Only if the thought of finding out that some bugger looted all the toilet roll from the supermarket terrifies you.
  4. albinorhino

    So...infinite health cheats out now?

    Went all the way back to the SE airfield to try and reclaim my body. The git had hid it but I could still hear the flies. Went and hit the medical outpost across the road and found me an AKM and seconds later the cheater again. I panicked as he dismounted from his quad, unloaded half a clip into him for nothing then quickly aborted the server before all my hard work could be undone.
  5. albinorhino

    So...infinite health cheats out now?

    I seriously doubt that there is a bug out that allows you to survive 30 rounds from an AK74 and then kill an enemy with a single shot.
  6. To whom ever left this tent unguarded I thank you. Your ten cooked meat really saved my life. I am now sitting at a healthy 12000 blood and out for more. I really hope you enjoy the ten empty tin cans I left as payment. Regards, Unholy.
  7. albinorhino

    Mk48 mod 0 VS 4 idiots in a jeep.

    Video or it didn't happen?
  8. albinorhino

    Tent EU 21 Green Mountain

    Not when your under 3k blood and can barely see three foot in front of you. This was like a gift from heaven to me.
  9. I'll be sure to kick your arse for you just to prove a point ;)
  10. So yeah I've always suffered from having poor microphones etc but the other week thought "screw it" and splashed out on a very decent desktop microphone. It has given the term "banditry" an all new meaning! Nothing brings me more joy than spotting a survivor, sneaking up on him and screaming "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND NOW! TURN AROUND AND YOU DIE!" and other such things. Did this last night when I had just spawned. Had no weapons and yet came across a survivor with a magnum. "I want that magnum" I said aloud to myself so I managed to creep up on him and order him down on the ground. He complied and kindly dropped his weapon when ordered to, so I picked it up, moved round in front of him and explained that he had just been mugged by an unarmed player, before I put a bullet between his eyes. So yes, if you hear someone yelling at you to get down on the ground, be very wary, as they may actually be unarmed (or not).
  11. albinorhino

    Zombies hitting for 26k damage per hit

    Your all wrong. It was a rogue zombie. It used shadowstep and then ambush for a 26k crit. OP zombie is OP and needs nerfing.
  12. albinorhino

    Item hacker on NL4

    I'd drop everything they spawned. Screenshots of corpses with loot on them etc would also help in reporting in future.
  13. albinorhino

    HaHa! Karma!

    I would have shot him, THEN laughed.
  14. By "those" games I'm assuming you mean Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3? And if so then let the twitch based FPS fans come at me. While they're spraying and praying with their Makarovs from over fourty meters away I'll be carefully lining up the shot from my Enfield or better and knocking them down. I was actually called a cheat today. I laughed hard at that.
  15. Thanks, installed this programme and used it to update. Before my game would constantly freeze at "loading" when trying to enter a server with the sound of heavy rain (longest I waited was half an hour). Downloaded this, used update and made sure I had the latest beta patch. Game now runs perfectly so thanks :)
  16. albinorhino

    Exploding zombies.

    Player 1: "OK, you take the shotgun Paul and I'll take this AK" *twig snaps* Player 2: "What was that?" Zombie: "DURKA DURKA! FIGHT MUHAMMAD ALI!" *EXPLOSION* Player 1: "........." Player 2: "........."
  17. albinorhino

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.6

    Fixed the problem by myself. Had to basically download all the .rar files again and extract them all to the specified file. For every error that came up I just extracted the file again until it worked out. By that time though the game was in night time and god forbid if I'm going to try and get to grips to the controls in the pitch black, surrounded by the undead....
  18. albinorhino

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.6

    Keep getting error messages when trying to force update. Always "Error downloading file: dayz_code_v1.6.0.1.rar" Any suggestions?