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About DreadnaughtWrex

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    United States of America
  1. DreadnaughtWrex

    [Recruiting] (New Clan) Gun Runners! [Mercenary/PvP]

    Actually, the is how we started... We actually were on a server for a while selling outselves as mercs and selling guns. Laugh as you may, but it did work.
  2. DreadnaughtWrex

    Where have you found your NVG's?

    I feel like I am one of the few.... I had managed to find 3 AS50s on a server and traded a guy with an extra pair of NVGs and AS50 for his. I usually trade gear for them. Never taken them from anyone.... weird as it may be.
  3. DreadnaughtWrex

    M16A2 vs M4A1

    I prefer the M4 and variants as opposed to the M16 and variants. But when it comes down to it, those change in fire rates, and visual length. I cant see a difference between them.
  4. DreadnaughtWrex

    Ever seen one of these campsites in Chernarus?

    Shhh..... dont tell them that. They need to loot those later.
  5. DreadnaughtWrex

    Will you shoot me in my Ghillie?

    The only gillie suit players I usaully see in DayZ outside of the clan I play with are bandits sitting outside towns looking to score kills. If the members isnt sitting outside a town with a sniper I usually wont shoot you. I dont shoot most people unless they pose a threat.
  6. DreadnaughtWrex

    What do you feel like when you kill someone?

    Depending on the situtation. I usually feel guilty about it. But if they killed one of my friends or clanmates then I feel rather happy.
  7. DreadnaughtWrex

    The 7 Causes of PvP ---- [VIDEO]

    You need to give some systematic reward for them to help players. Yeah we have teh hero skin (which I have and love) but thats it. Some severs allow you to buy that skill and other people just hate it.
  8. DreadnaughtWrex

    Andrew and Friends looking for more Friends

    Bump, and andrew I have some good news.
  9. DreadnaughtWrex

    [BP] Beck's Privateers [New] [Recruiting]

    In Game Name: Dreadnaut Wrex Position (Sniper, Rifleman, Machine Gunner, Medic): Prefered would be Machine Gunner, but I will run any role required. Past experience (Ranges from past clans, time playing DayZ, real life military experience): I have been in clans/guild/etc for as long as I have been in online gaming. I also had DayZ back in July but recently really got into it. Microphone (Yes/No): Of course Teamspeak (Yes/No): Yes Link to steam account (Optional): http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198038456683/
  10. DreadnaughtWrex

    How About We Start Playing This Game?

    I am currently apart of a server where we have two factions duking it out. And me and my few friends sell guns to the faction or occasionally get hired as mercs.
  11. DreadnaughtWrex

    The Craziest Night Of Elektro I Have Ever Been In

    If/when you post that fotage on youtube, make sure you throw us a link. Sounds awesome.
  12. DreadnaughtWrex

    If third person was removed from DayZ...

    I would still play it. Right now I only use 3rd person because everyone else on the servers I play with uses it. No point in tying a hand behind my back.